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[-] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

~~I think it might be Magic Research 2?~~ Nevermind, I couldn't find that review on the Steam page, so it must be another game.

[-] 13 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Organic Maps. Make sure you download the areas beforehand. The resolution for walking paths is much nicer, and you can clearly see the routes of temples and other points of interest.

It also shows data about drinking faucets, toilets, and other things provided by users.

[-] 3 points 4 months ago

Good luck! You can try the huggingface-chat repo, or ollama with this web-ui. Both should be decent, as they have instructions to set up a docker container.

I believe the Llama 3 models are out there in a torrent somewhere, but I didn't dig to find it. For the 70B model, you'll probably need around 64GB of RAM available, but the 7B one should run fine with just 8GB. It will be somewhat slow though, compared to the ChatGPT experience. The self-attention mechanism can be parallelized, which is why you will see much better results on a GPU. According to some others that tested it, if you offload some stuff to RAM, you could see ~10-12 tokens per second on an RTX 3090 for certain 70B models. But more capable ones will be at less than 1 token per second, all depending on the context window you use.

If you don't have a GPU available, just give the Phi-3 model a try :D If you quantize it to 4 bits, it can apparently get 12 tokens per second on an iPhone haha. It should play nice with pooling information from a search engine, or a vector database like milvus, qdrant or chroma.

[-] 4 points 4 months ago

What db2 already said. Microsoft just released Phi-3 mini, which could, allegedly, run locally on newer smartphones.

If I understood correctly, the Rabbit thingy just captures your information locally and then forwards it to their server. So, if you want more power, you could probably do the same by submitting the same info to a bigger open source model than Phi-3, like Llama 3, hosted on your homelab. I believe you can set it up with huggingface/gradio, which sort of provides an API that you could use.

That way, you don't need a shitty orange box, and can always get the latest open source models with a few lines of code. There are plenty of open source frameworks in the works at the moment, and I believe that we're not far off from having multi-modal LLMs running on homelab-level hardware (if you don't mind a bit of lag).

[-] 3 points 4 months ago

That is good to know. Tried the free version of Roll20 before, and it definitely felt lacking in certain areas. Oh, and thanks for letting me know about the sale! I'll definitely keep an eye out for that one :)

[-] 26 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

How will you move to WhatsApp if everyone else uses iMessage? Europe has the same issue, but reversed. Everyone uses WhatsApp and can't jump to Signal/Telegram because they're not as popular.

[-] 17 points 5 months ago

With the way current LLMs operate? The short answer is no. Most machine learning models can learn the probability distribution by performing backward propagation, which involves "trickling down" errors from the output node all the way back to the input. More specifically, the computer calculates the derivatives of each layer and uses that to slowly nudge the model towards the correct answer by updating the values in each neural layer. Of course, things like the attention mechanism resemble the way humans pay attention, but the underlying processes are vastly different.

In the brain, things don't really work like that. Neurons don't perform backpropagation, and, if I remember correctly, instead build proteins to improve the conductivity along the axons. This allows us to improve connectivity in a neuron the more current passes through it. Similarly, when multiple neurons in a close region fire together, they sort of wire together. New connections between neurons can appear from this process, which neuroscientists refer to as neuroplasticity.

When it comes to the Doom example you've given, that approach relies on the fact that you can encode the visual information to signals. It is a reinforcement learning problem where the action space is small, and the reward function is pretty straight forward. When it comes to LLMs, the usual vocabulary size of the more popular models is between 30-60k tokens (these are small parts of a word, for example "#ing" in "writing"). That means, you would need a way to encode the input of each to feed to the biological neural net, and unless you encode it as a phonetic representation of the word, you're going to need a lot of neurons to mimic the behaviour of the computer-version of LLMs, which is not really feasible. Oh, and let's not forget that you would need to formalize the output of the network and find a way to measure that! How would we know which neuron produces the output for a specific part of a sentence?

We humans are capable of learning language, mainly due to this skill being encoded in our DNA. It is a very complex problem that requires the interaction between multiple specialized areas: e.g. Broca's (for speech), Wernicke's (understanding and producing language), certain bits in the lower temporal cortex that handle categorization of words and other tasks, plus a way to encode memories using the hippocampus. The body generates these areas using the genetic code, which has been iteratively improved over many millennia. If you dive really deep into this subject, you'll start seeing some scientists that argue that consciousness is not really a thing and that we are a product of our genes and the surrounding environment, that we act in predefined ways.

Therefore, you wouldn't be able to call a small neuron array conscious. It only elicits a simple chemical process, which appears when you supply enough current for a few neurons to reach the threshold potential of -55 mV. To have things like emotion, body autonomy and many other things that one would think of when talking about consciousness, you would need a lot more components.

[-] 1 points 5 months ago

I got NFS Most Wanted (2005) working in Wine, and was somewhat impressed how easy it was at the time. Game worked quite well, and would only crash once in a while with some cryptic errors that I don't remember. Made me hopeful for the future of linux gaming :)

[-] 3 points 6 months ago

Yeah, it's the Osaifu-Keitai. Apple has it enabled for all phones on the market, while Android phone manufacturers avoid adding it to theirs outside Japan because they would have to pay fees to Sony for it. The funny part is that Sony itself doesn't enable it for phones outside Japan, even though FeliCa is a subsidiary of Sony :D Another funny bit is that some phones, like the Pixel, are capable of running it on phones made for other markets. Some users were able to force the Osaifu-Keitai app to think the phone was made in Japan, and that was all it took to enable it (although you'd have to root your phone + the manufacturer should have released their phones in Japan, to ensure the chip is capable). So, yeah, although a few years ago it might have been a specific chip being needed in the phone, nowadays it's mostly software that doesn't allow you to use the one you have while in Japan.

All in all, PASMO/Suica/etc is basically a very limited debit card company haha. I guess Japanese people enjoy using it mainly because it puts a cap on how much they can spend (iirc, about 100 euros allowed at once on the card). Japan is a highly consumerist society, so this format was probably adopted (instead of credit/debit cards) mainly to combat it somewhat :D

[-] 7 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

And for some reason you still can't charge transport cards online or with a credit/debit card if you don't have a japanese phone. Think that's coming in 2035 at this rate? 🤣

[-] 10 points 7 months ago

Job market seems terrible right now, especially if you're just starting out. Had a friend that applied to ~100 jobs in tech, and a majority of them didn't even reply back.

But the same can be said about bad HR as well. How many hiring teams have no idea what a candidate is supposed to be doing?

[-] 69 points 8 months ago

Wow, some of the comments on that article saying Google should have made Android closed source are mindboggling. They realize they never would have had their current worldwide marketshare if they did that, no?

But maybe if they did, we would have had more people working on true linux phones 🤔 I'm a bit torn on this one haha.

submitted 9 months ago by to c/

Hello everyone! I've been playing around with Wayland for a bit and was hoping to start learning some more about it. For example, I would be interested in making a lock screen, similar to Swaylock, as a toy project.

What GUI toolkit would you use to develop apps on Wayland? I've added a little poll below with some of the popular choices I've seen thrown around. Feel free to add your own suggestions and maybe leave a comment as to why you'd use that!

Link to poll

Jump from Arch to NixOS? (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

As the title implies, should I do it? I love Arch so far, and I can fix most issues that pop out. However, I sometimes wish to start fresh without too much hassle, but I get a feeling NixOS isn't as mature as Arch.

Have any of you used both, and if so, what do you miss from Arch? What are you grateful for in NixOS?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Hi everyone! I'll soon take the DP-100 exam for Microsoft Azure, and I was interested in finding more leaked exam questions. At the moment, I was using examtopics for this, but it sucks because it basically cuts you off halfway through.

I heard there are some private trackers that specialize in exam questions, such as LearnFlakes, but I do not have anyone that can invite me to them. Therefore, I was wondering if there is another way to find the information I need for this exam.

Do you know any other sources that are fully free?

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