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[-] 19 points 1 month ago

I see that problem also in a kind of "contact guilt" in certain topics.

That is, if there's any polarized issue, there's always the liberal/left/progressive position with extremely clear boundaries to what is acceptable to even discuss. And then there's the vast conservative-fascist spectrum. If any problem arises within that issue, even mentioning it is immediately labeled as outside of the acceptable part, simply out of fear that this could be used as a wedge against the liberal position.

That in turn alienates people, they see an actual problem and the liberal side either ignores the problem or says it's fascist. And the actual problem never gets solved or even tackled, simply because nobody wants to touch it.

This leads to a situation where for a whole bunch of people the fascists seem downright reasonable and then the radicalization pipeline kicks in and suddenly they think Hitler might not be such a bad guy after all.

So essentially, the left feeds the right gullible people out of fear they might legitimize some of their points.

Just an example from Germany: when the first wave of Syrian refugees came to Germany in 2015, they were greeted with literally open arms. Great thing. But if you let about a million people into the country, you also need about 500k new apartments for them, the bureaucracy has to be capable of processing everything, language courses have to be expanded drastically, job trainings have to be organized, etc etc. A whole bunch of problems.

Now, what happened? Nothing. There was great fanfare, the local governments did their best, but nothing substantive happened. Nobody talked about it, because that might fuel the existing resentments. Nobody tackled the problems. And within a few months, we had tens of thousands of young men, who had nothing to do, were not allowed to work, were completely alone and had no money or social safety net. Well, of course a bunch of them turned criminal, which then fueled the resentment even more, because suddenly the fascists actually had what they hoped for: criminal foreigners. Even if the actual problem was tiny, it was the spark that ignited the fascist resurgence.

[-] 28 points 1 month ago

And you know what that bundle of sticks is called in Latin? Fascis. That's where the name comes from.

Also, nationalsocialism is just one of plenty forms of fascism. It's an umbrella term. And arguing that a poster warns of the wrong sect of genocidal nationalist dictatorship, is just absolutely beyond any kind brain rot.

[-] 9 points 1 month ago

Repairability doesn't really matter if you only get two years of software updates.

Yes, there's lineage OS, but whether their support will be better, is doubtful.

We shouldn't support a company that openly says they don't give a crap about their users'safety.

[-] 4 points 2 months ago

No, that's my point. Providing the builder factory as an abstract way to construct an entity, it is an abstraction. It removes you from the actual detail, that's an abstraction. But it also introduces extra complexity, which in turn negates the value of the abstraction.

In reality, the intention is an abstraction, the result is often enough a bad abstraction that introduces more complexity and adds indirection.

[-] 2 points 2 months ago

To 1), that's unfortunately not entirely true. The real abstraction criticized is more like introducing a StorableEntity layer that's provided by a StorableEntityBuilderFactory. So instead of providing a compartment with a stable interface, they introduce a mess of generalizations.

Abstractions should be bulkheads, but in practice they're often more like one of those beads-on-strings door decorations.

[-] 35 points 2 months ago

That's decades of legacy for you...

I bet each step/arrow/decision had a good reason at some point, but most of them probably back when computers lived in caves and hunted their tapes using spears and rocks.

I feel like we're slowly reaching a point where the complexity is collapsing in on itself - just look at the absolute chaos a modern web app is.

[-] 25 points 2 months ago

That's the point.

In Germany there was a battle between left and right back then. The economy boomed in the 20s and faltered in the 30s. Capitalists saw the threat of socialism looming just behind Poland and so they supported fascism.

The Nazis funneled billions into large businesses. It was unsustainable and morally multi-level wrong, but they skimmed a lot of profits from these agreements. They got rich, while the economy started to collapse - even before the war.

Even after the war, most of them got away. They kept much of their wealth.

[-] 39 points 2 months ago

Unfortunately, the current finance minister is really that stupid.

Absolute braindead wannabe neoliberal.

[-] 13 points 2 months ago


Java's Duke just stands there, fully nude and is giving NullPointerException fucks.

[-] 4 points 2 months ago

That is absolute nonsense. SUSE mostly serves large enterprise customers.

And where do you think the people deciding what to buy get their information? Mind share is important.

I'm pretty sure SUSE is bigger than Canonical.

That's actually surprising to me, but I'd argue that Suse offers more products, it seems like Rancher, Longhorn, etc. have no canonical equivalent.

[-] 21 points 2 months ago

Reboots after three days and then disappears in the cloud.

[-] 30 points 2 months ago

And you really think, people who are willing and able to buy enterprise support for their Linux distro get confused by the naming? Sure, there's that one confused dude, but you also have people asking Facebook where they left their keys.

OpenSuse is essentially free marketing for SUSE, nobody would know them otherwise. Why would you give that away?

Suse is not a huge company, it has neither a large enterprise backer nor any killer features, and its market share is relatively small compared to Red Hat or Canonical. Throwing away free marketing while alienating a relatively passionate community is a kind of brainrot only MBA can come up with.


I want to upgrade some of my older machines with some new, high(er) capacity SSDs (SATA and nvme). I don't need super high speeds, just something in the TB range in terms of storage.

Problem is, there's so much garbage out there, I can't really tell, which SSD is inexpensive and reliable and which is just utter garbage.

I thought about buying new, but last gen Samsung/WD SSDs.

Intenso and Fanxiang both seem to have been around for a few years, but reviews seem to be mixed.


I have a QCOW2 image (Homeassistant VM), that I ran for several months without problems.

A few days ago, I reinstalled the VM host,so I copied the image to a backup drive and now wanted to start a VM from this image.

However, it always end up hanging at "booting from hard disk" and takes up 100% load on one core.

On the VM host, I imported the image like this:

# copied from HAOS wiki
sudo virt-install --name hass --description "Home Assistant OS" --os-variant=generic --ram=2048 --vcpus=2 --disk /var/vm/hass.qcow2,bus=sata --import --graphics none 

To ensure that my host wasn't broken, I tried the same image on another machine, that I know can run VMs (virtual machine manager, using the GUI), but same result. One core at 100% and no change at all.

I even let it run over night, but it was still at this point.

One machine runs NixOS, the other Debian 12.

What could cause this? There are no errors in journalctl or /var/log/qemu.


I'm currently a senior developer, but relatively new in the role of a "lead". In my current project, I'm having a kind of co-lead and we have two devs working in our team. So a rather small enterprise.

Now my boss told me, that going forward, I will probably be leading larger and more complex projects (possible rather soon).

Since I'm constantly doubting myself, I would really like to learn more about how to be an effective/likeable lead. I've had too many "leads" who were just dogshit, professionally and as a person. I don't want to be that (at least the professional part).

So, I guess my question is: what helped you? Books, articles, just random hints or strategies? I'll take everything.


In Germany there's an app called "Jodel", which is essentially like a localized reddit/lemmy. That means, you only see posts from people near you (the default is something like 10km, I think).

This is of course awesome for localized events, Craigslist style posts, or just discussions about local stuff.

I wondered, despite creating local communities on Lemmy or tags for your city, is there anything like it on the fediverse?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

I have an HAOS-VM running on a machine attached to my router via cable, and another (wifi attached) machine that I want to WoL from HA.

Apparently, my router does not forward WoL packets from wired ethernet to wifi, so I just plugged in a usb-wifi dongle and connected HAOS via the dongle - wifi works, no problem.

WoL in general also works, I can wake the machine up from my MacBook without a problem. I can also use the very same dongle on a Debian desktop to send WoL packets.

However, doing it from HA fails. My configuration.yaml looks like this:

  - platform: wake_on_lan
    name: wake_<machine>
    mac: <mac>

I tried deactivating the KVM brigde, so that the VM really only connects via wifi, but no changes here either.

There are no errors in any logs, so it doesn't look like it's failing per se.

To me it looks almost like the packet is send to nirvana, but there's no way to configure the network interface in the WoL platform either.


I kind of got everything to work, albeit in a rather weird way.

There already is a built-in WoL Service, accessible via the GUI, however, I have to use the Advanced Mode to access it, otherwise it simply doesn't show up. Using that service and the proper broadcast address, I'm now able to wake the target machine via a button. What's a bit concerning to me is that the "advanced mode" toggle seems to be lost after a reboot. I get a warning, that the WoL service couldn't be found, that only resolves after setting the advanced mode off and on again - that's rather stupid.


I'm thinking about buying a small 3D printer for the odd project once in a while.

Problem is, I will not use it very often and I don't have much desk space for it to sit around.

Ideally (and I know this is utopia), I would like a device that I can pull out of a closet, fasten four screws, plug it in and be ready to go.

Is there something even remotely like that available? Every review I've seen just seems to assume that printers are basically static.


I have a Dell Optiplex 3060 here, that I used as a backup desktop with Linux, but now I'm trying to use it essentially as a streaming host for games (Fallout, GTA...), unfortunately that means Windows.

And even less fortunate: Windows seems to think, fan speeds only know one direction: up.

Essentially, the machine starts nice and reasonably quite, but after some load (e.g. a game), the fans never spin down again. Even if the temps are fine (all cores at <30°C, GPU at 48°C), it keeps running in turbine mode.

The only "fix" is a sleep or power cycle.

Since this machine is supposed to run relatively long hours and sit in my room, this is quite annoying and I'm kind of out of ideas.

Newest BIOS and all the Dell Magic™ are installed.


I just browsed eBay a bit and saw that older, used SAS drives can be had pretty cheap - 30€ for 4TB, but of course rather old drives, sometimes 10 years old.

Now, I wouldn't expect ultra reliable, ultra fast, super cheap drives here. But this offer seems compelling, even buying a spare drive for higher redundancy would still be pretty cheap.

Question is: am I too optimistic here? Are these drives bound to fail within 3 months?


I'm using Feedly (google reader clone) to keep track of my news. However, there are tons of duplicates (same event/topic different sources).

I was just thinking about using text summaries + similarity analysis (possible AI driven) to cluster groups of articles. Are there already solutions for that? I could build it myself, but I'm not exactly the best web dev.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

I have a public SMB share mainly as a media dump. Everyone can read and write, without any auth - as intended. However, if I copy files via SSH (as a regular user, not the samba user), these files are of course owned by that user and thus not writable for the samba user - so I can't touch these files via SMB.

My config looks like this

  path = /path/to/samba/public
  guest ok = yes
  writeable = yes
  browseable = yes
  create mask = 0664
  directory mask = 0775
  force user = sambapub
  force group = users

I can fix the permissions by simply chown/chmod all files, but that's not really a solution.


As the title says, FF seems to selectively forget cookies and thus requires me to constantly re-login.

I've had the exact same issue on two separate machines both running Ubuntu. My best guess is, that snap is at fault here, but I have no idea, why.

To reproduce the issue, I just have to perform the arcane ritual of "closing the app" and whoosh, cookies are gone. Plugins and settings persist, no "delete on close" option whatsoever is active. Vanilla Ubuntu shows exactly this behavior.


I'm planning on giving an older machine a small upgrade with an SSD, but since that machine does not have an m.2 port, I was thinking about buying the cheapest PCIe adapter I could find. Besides the obvious stuff like ports, PCIe gen and lane count, is there anything I should look out for? Specifically regarding Linux?

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