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[-] 22 points 2 days ago

How could Last of Us get any scarier? Make all the infected also the corrupted machines from Horizon Zero Dawn. Awesome.

[-] 2 points 1 month ago

Hah ๐Ÿ˜‚ no worries friend. So much of this bizarro-world shit show has happened in that time.

[-] 7 points 1 month ago

How are they opposed to bread? It's impossible to keep up with politics these days. And you can never tell if you're reading an actual post or just more big leaven lobbyist propaganda.

[-] 9 points 1 month ago

I've never understood this mentality. I just took orders and delivered them. All of my drivers would lose their shit about which orders were tipping what, so I'd just grab the contentious ones and get them done. I can't tell you how many of those turned into some of my best customers and also some of my wildest experiences. Also, a few people that were expecting to be treated like shit for not pre-tipping would then call in to thank my manager for my service and attitude despite it, I remember one was a single mother who looked, traumatized, when she opened the door. We were allowed to comp a certain number of orders a night so I did that for her and she just started crying. I never forget that one. So not worrying about it literally paid for itself with several raises and a promotion. Sure, there were dickbags who would stiff you but it all came out in the end. So, my advice is to just do your job and it will work out. If people see that they can rely on you to get it done right every time then they are far more likely to tip better on the next one, so just treat every delivery as one you'll be tipped for later. If you're not getting paid, then get a different job. ,

I did get a few unconventional tips too. One guy would just give me a beer and then the option to drink it real quick with him (stupid, I know, but I don't drink anymore and luckily I never killed anyone). There was a group of Canadian travelers that would give me an entire case when they came through. And also an entire bag packed tight with very potent weed, in exchange for my delivery bag. I have no idea why they wanted it so bad, but while considering it they gave me a shot of something and then they flashed me. I wasn't actually considering what to do. I was already really stoned at the time and was struggling to get the words out that I would accept. But the unexpected tits sobered me up instantly and I handed the bag over. My buddy realized that I was trashed when I got in that night so he put me on dishes for cover. When it was discovered, I blamed the missing bag on a dickweed that had recently been fired and they asked no more questions. An older guy gave me a pirate Lego set, it was a little island with a palm tree and a treasure chest. And a delivery that was technically outside our area but missed by the computer turned out to be a ring holding and famously nicknamed NFL player. His driveway was a very long previously unmaintained road that had once intersected a road in our service area. But that was blocked off and access was from the other side of an enormous housing development of mansions. Never knew that was a thing. There were a lot of pools. And lights. That's all I remember though.

[-] 1 points 2 months ago

Seems I found the first thing you're ignorant about. Perspective.

[-] 1 points 2 months ago

I'm sure it would.

[-] 0 points 2 months ago

No doubt. Every friend I have is a trumper, but my best friend believes in the cabal. It's tough and it's heartbreaking. But I decided I'm just going to be an example of tolerance if nothing else.

[-] 6 points 2 months ago

๐Ÿ™ Good on you. Thanks and same to you. Luckily I used to be petulant and conservative so I can fit in when I need to. And my income is used by my partner to raise a child surrounded by love, understanding, and encouragement. So I feel like I'm filtering a portion of capitalism into raising a little communist. ๐Ÿคฃ It's enough to keep me gritting through the xenophobia. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

[-] 5 points 2 months ago

I think this type of thinking is just as toxic as the thinking of the ones you so quickly call "idiots". Not only do you fail to affect the situation in any positive way, but you harden the commitment of those that fell for the grift. Furthermore, you're blatantly wrong. I'm sure there are things you are ignorant about. I'm positive I could find things that you think that I could demonstrate to be wildly inaccurate (mostly because I work in a very niche field that very few people do). None of them would make you an idiot. It's okay to not know something. I'm not saying you should pander to anyone, but patience is a balm. Have some.

[-] 28 points 2 months ago

Closeted socialist here. I work in an extremely remote 24/7 process industry. They play Newsmax on the TVs in the chow hall and the only time they don't is when they are replacing tvs. EVERYONE here is a degree of an alt righter. Some were at J6. Some have "Alex Jones was right" on their thermos'. I honestly believe some would kill me if I said I've read Marx. Not a single one of them could accurately define a political, economic, or social system without distracting with tropes, jingoistic rhetoric, or whataboutisms. Academic education is brainwashing. Christianity is a brand-name but you don't have to read the Bible to be a christian. I made the mistake of expressing my disappointment of Trump because of what he has said about veterans. I was mocked for believing propaganda and over time I have become known as "the liberal". That was all it took.

It's frustrating, and I daily struggle with unchecked bigotry. But most people here do not wake up and choose to be racist or evil. They are doing what their wildly misled moral compass is telling them to be righteous. In their eyes, the pandering of the media that we see is absolute and total corruption to them. The media does lie, they have lied. Most of them couch it In ignorance and a whispered redaction, but that's all it took. If they can lie about anything, then they must be lying about the unflattering things. There's a bit of head-in-the-sand and delusion, but in their eyes the rape, the lawsuits, the theft from taxpayers, all of it is exactly what they would say if they were trying to make him look bad. That's enough for them.

I honestly don't blame them. They have fallen for grifts, lies, and propaganda that goes back at least 200 years.

[-] 8 points 2 months ago

My favorite was finding out that bit locker was enabled on a forced update. The key was saved to the Microsoft account that was used to set up the lappy. Except, I didn't use a Microsoft account because I'm not some tech marionette lemming who needs Gates hand shoved up my ass to tell me how to use my fucking computer. So I used a local account and disabled bitlocker via bios.

Nothing was lost, but it was still a pain in the dick hole.

[-] 1 points 2 months ago

Lol, so true. I always try to share the reach with others when I can. But after being married for about 15 years at the time, I found a bag of candy on top of the books on the bottom shelf. So I went around the house checking all the low areas and there was a veritable TROVE of sweets - everywhere. They were even in the garage that only I use. Partner was horrified that I found them and then wouldn't say how long this had gone on for. I can only assume the entire time because I did find a few things like chocolate oranges that they only sell around the holidays. Every once in a while nowadays I see a wrapper, but the stash has been replaced and no one is talking. Mischievous.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

I'm using the Lemmy ansible installation method. I've been trying to add sendgrid to the postfix section of the config.hjson file on my local machine. But where do I add the API key and username? I used port 587 but nothing works. Can anyone help walk me through how to integrate sendgrid into Lemmy-Ansible? Thanks!!

the email section of config.hjson looks like this, did I do this right?

  email: {
    smtp_server: ""
    smtp_from_address: "noreply@{{ domain }}"
    tls_type: "tls"

I was able to find the server location on my VPS under srv/lemmy/domain, so I can edit the lemmy.hjson file there if need be.


I've been trying to keep up with it but I just don't understand how he profits from this scheme?

submitted 11 months ago by to c/

I used the ansible method to install Lemmy on a DigitalOcean VPS. They do block port 25 and there is no way around that. I tried to change the port from 25 to 465 in the config.hjson file but still no luck. I am super new to this but I want to get this working so bad. I'm so close! The site is working fine, just no emails. I've checked spam, trash, etc. - nothing is getting sent.

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