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[-] 0 points 1 month ago

It looks like the synthesis of those two seemingly contradictory things is: If Congress is still in session after the 10 day grace period for the president to sign it has passed, the bill is treated as signed and becomes law. However if the 10 day grace period goes by and Congress is no longer in session at the end of that period, the bill is treated as vetoed.

Another approach: Does nibbling on it count as a signature?

[-] 8 points 1 month ago

I get where you are coming from, but this event is pretty much entirely the fault of Crowdstrike and the countless organizations that trusted them. It's definitely a show of how massive outages are more likely when things are overly centralized and proprietary, and managed by big, shitty, profit driven organizations. Since crowdstrike operates in kernel space, it doesn't matter which operating system it's on, it can break it if it does something stupid. In fact they managed to break some redhat machines not too long ago, and some Debian machines not long before that. It's just the impact wasn't as far reaching as this recent utter fuckup, just because fewer critical machines were affected, so we didn't hear about those smaller fuckups in the news.

[-] 2 points 3 months ago

I've encountered IT departments with an unencrypted passwords.xlsx file that they store on the network. Not always super small companies too.

[-] 9 points 3 months ago

I think it also just took on a bunch of technical debt and was poorly managed, so I don't know if they could have pulled it off with more time. Like they were forced by management to use KSP1 code, and were not allowed to talk to the KSP1 devs, and repeatedly hemorrhaged workers meaning even less of the code base has experts. I think they maybe would be better off starting from scratch (reusing assets) at this point if they wanted to deliver their more difficult goals like multiplayer.

[-] 1 points 4 months ago

It seems to me that all of the reasons they provides are all reasons to get married. Especially raising a child, given the privileges that are afforded to married parents in a lot of places (especially in the case of adoption, or IVF using a stranger's genetic material). Something doesn't have to require marriage for the benefits of it to outweigh the cons for a specific situation.

The question seems to me to be kind of confusing. What alternative are you comparing it to? Some sort of local structure like domestic partnership?

[-] 3 points 4 months ago

They are talking corporate death penalty (as evidenced by the rest of the comment), not literal killing of people. And they are correct.

[-] 5 points 5 months ago

How is it that we are the same person

[-] 2 points 5 months ago

Have you tried screwing it into a socket?

[-] 4 points 5 months ago

Do you know how much work it is to live unhoused? How uncomfortable and dehumanizing? If you are completely without shelter, how it is after it rains, or the air is choked with smoke during fire season?

It seems like you have just one explanation for everything here. When there's a problem, it's because of some moral failing that has to be punished. The publication you reference is telling.

Your attitude toward both Roma and unhoused is an outside look in, entirely through the lens of criminality. There is no understanding there. You are missing the big picture, the why behind all of the things people do.

If you really want to scam people, you start an LLC and live comfortably off of other people's work, like, you know, rich people do.

[-] 19 points 5 months ago

You are completely divorced from the reality on the ground.

A good chunk of the unhoused (at least where I live, US CA) have jobs, it's just not enough for rent or they can't find a place because of poor credit, which means the places available are even more expensive. Rent has increased faster than median income, and way faster than low income.

Most unhoused are there temporarily. Anything nice they have may be from before they got into their present situation. And what are they supposed to do? Pawn off their cell phone for pennies on the dollar?

The explosion in number of unhoused people is not just a bunch of people happening to have some sort of moral failure all at once. The simpler explanation is that our economy and society is failing. And what do we expect to see as resources are hoarded by the powerful at exponentially increasing rates? Where do those resources come from?

Also self report on your attitude toward Roma people.

[-] 6 points 8 months ago

That's what my doctor keeps telling me

[-] 21 points 1 year ago

I think the meme is fairly clearly making fun of American conservative/fascist discourse. Like the whole watering down of any semblance of a working definition of CRT when referenced by right wing pundits and moral panic board meeting parents, where right wing people call every call to be somewhat decent human beings "CRT" or "wokism", and then have no actual working meaning for those words except as something that seems left wing and makes them uncomfortable.

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