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[-] 5 points 11 months ago

I've been reading it. The folks here are most definitely in the minority.

And that's fine. I don't know why it would bother anybody.

[-] 20 points 11 months ago

You are strange for not loving the film. It is generally loved so, yeah, not loving it makes you strange.

There's nothing wrong with that. Some folks don't love chocolate. Or puppies. Or sunsets. Or whatever seems to be loved by most folks.

[-] 5 points 11 months ago

Not everything is a sequel, reboot or remake.

Every week, original films are released. Most lack money for advertising and are commercial failures. If we wish to see more films like them made, we need to see them - preferably with people who wouldn't otherwise have, and spread the news about them in person or Lemmy or whatever you wish.

Or you could just wait. The movie industry has gone through this many times.

[-] 8 points 11 months ago

I'll cheat the question a bit.

I'd like all critics to have standards and to hew to them. I don't mind if each critic operates by different standards, so long as all critics can articulate their standards and are consistent in their application.

Most movie critics, for example, are offering their reactions to movies. They may review a movie. But nearly all of them are utterly inconsistent (hypocritical?) in their work. They explain their bad review of a film because of X and then praise another film despite it being just as much X as the film they loathed. If they address this conflict at all, it is with a great deal of handwavium - "This film makes it work."

If critics had standards, it would be possible to really compare the things they critique. Without those standards, each thing gets its own bespoke write up. Very entertaining, but useless when we want to know which is better or worse.

[-] 0 points 1 year ago

I shouldn't have to. Any God worthy of the title would provide clear and irrefutable proof of its own existence.

[-] 7 points 1 year ago

Hopefully, the mixture is 1% anger to 99% admiration. And that they are inspired to demand more for their labor as well.

[-] 2 points 1 year ago

Honestly, I'm okay with parking lots if we can do away with street parking.

[-] 4 points 1 year ago

Overwork and the pursuit of wealth is detrimental to you and your relationships. Earning enough for a simple life and then stopping allows time to be a decent human.

I walk an average of three hours a day. My young adult children ask me to go with them to the movies. My wife works enough and no more. We split the chores and have few resentments. The crows along the river swoop down when I pass by. I stop and feed them peanuts.

I learned this by becoming aware of just how little it served me and my family to really put in the hours and take every opportunity that came my way.

[-] 12 points 1 year ago

Japan. I've never used whatsapp. It is neither popular here nor important for business communication.


joined 1 year ago