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[-] 24 points 2 months ago

Are you in the US? If so, what state? This might be one of the few things I would never consider self hosting. There are so many legal issues you could run into, and if your self hosted solution fails, you’ll be fucked (to put it lightly). I’m an HR/payroll professional by trade, in case that helps.

[-] 6 points 3 months ago

Buster is actually calculating the surface area of your server, and has already determined that he will fit perfectly on it.

[-] 2 points 5 months ago

I’m also a person that has always struggled to learn by solely reading. Typically a combination of video tutorials and documentation, while actually doing the work on my end, is how I usually grasp concepts.

[-] 1 points 5 months ago

This is something I have on my to-do list. I just need to figure out which router to go with.

[-] 2 points 5 months ago

Hack The Box looks like it could be quite interesting and fun. I think I’ll start there. I appreciate your feedback!

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

I have been exploring the world of home servers/self-hosting for a little over a year now, and feel like I have at a decent understanding of a lot of things that go into this. The one thing I am not remotely comfortable with yet is networking. It's like a foreign language to me.

What are some good resources or projects that I could work on to help me develop a better understanding of this? Or, what helped you advance your networking knowledge? I have an UnRaid machine and a Raspberry Pi 4 (8gb) at my disposal (for any project recommendations). Current router is ISP provided, so nothing fancy.

[-] 9 points 8 months ago

What’s the issue with the Pixel cameras? I thought they were typically one of the selling points of the phone? Maybe I haven’t paid enough attention to recent reviews (been on iOS for a few years now, but want to switch back to Android).

[-] 1 points 8 months ago

What synology model did you go with? Do you host any other services with that type of setup?

[-] 0 points 8 months ago

Thanks for the great info! What mini PC did you end up going with? I’ve heard Beelink and a few others thrown around here and there, and most seem to be impressed with what they can do. Do you mind elaborating some on how you handle your drives with this type of setup? Do you just have some sort of NAS connected directly to the pc?


Hi everyone. I’m on the verge of building a new NAS/Media server, and wanted to check here to see if any of you could provide some recommendations based on my goals (below) or your current builds. I currently have a Raspberry Pi 4 running some basic services (Portainer, Home Assistant, Plex, sonarr/radarr/prowlarr, sabnzbd, etc.), but would like to expand my options and capabilities as my interests in the hobby grow.

My goals:

  • Ability to have 4+ 1080p streams on Plex. Right now my Pi works surprisingly well at home with one 1080 stream, but basically shits its pants doing much more. Would like to give my parents and a friend or two access.

  • Document storage/backup. Interested in Nextcloud, but it seems people have mixed experiences here.

  • Photo storage/backup.

  • Hosting the services mentioned above, plus some extra headroom for others. I’ll probably move back to Home Assistant OS on my Pi, unless you think I should utilize it for something else.

  • OS - unRaid. Not opposed to others, but this does seem to be a great option with a lot of how-guides and videos available.

  • Storage/Drives - I honestly don’t know how much I want or need. As it stands, my partner and I probably have less than 1TB of files and photos between the two of us (being very generous with that figure). Would like to expand the media server capabilities as mentioned above.

  • Budget - $1000 max including drives.

While the details above are what I would like to achieve with this, you can also consider me an empty canvas. Open to all ideas and suggestions. Let me know if there are other details I can provide that would be helpful. Lastly, thank you all for creating such a great community here.

[-] 23 points 9 months ago

I went with the yearly unlimited subscription through Frugal. I believe I paid $39.00 for the year, plus it comes with a 500gb block account through Blocknews.

A good indexer is critical to your setup. Since I just started my Usenet journey a month ago, I can only recommend two: NZBgeek and Drunkenslug. There are many others that I’m sure are worth it, I just haven’t had time to test anything else. NZBgeek might not have open registrations right now.

I use SABnzbd as my downloader.

Other than that, one of the best resources I used when getting set up was TRaSH Guides. Endless guides on configuring your downloader, indexers, and much more. Do some research on Sonarr, Radarr, and the other arr programs. Takes a little bit of effort getting it all set up, but makes everything so easy once you’re done.

[-] 1 points 9 months ago

The iOS version certainly works without issue, but it is extremely barebones. Basically no features you’d expect from Firefox. Mostly due to Apple requirements. That being said, I am so thankful I can use Firefox as my desktop browser every day. That’s what really matters to me at this point.

[-] 2 points 9 months ago

That is my understanding of how it works. I have Firefox on my phone, but mainly use it to interact with my home server/bookmarks. Everything else is done through Safari for ease of use.

[-] 12 points 9 months ago

I wish the Firefox experience on iOS was as good as it appears to be on Android.


For example, something that is too complex for your comfort level, a security concern, or maybe your hardware can’t keep up with the service’s needs?

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