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[-] 52 points 3 weeks ago

You go to,, or what ever instance you wish to join and create an account there. Just like you went to and joined that one.

[-] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Possibly yes but that doesn't help if one is morbidly afraid of approaching women for example.

However my point was that it's a bit pointless to ask why would someone become something when by definition it's involuntary. It's like asking why would anyone be under 6ft tall.


The native lemmy feature for this doesn't work. Maybe it's because my list is thousands of users / communities long. I tried several times and only a handful of these gets moved to the other account and it actually seems that me trying to move them crashes the entire instance.

Is there a lemmy app or some other alternative method to move these over?

[-] 18 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Why isn't there more incel violence?

We conclude by offering one hypothesis as to why modern day incels are not as violent as we might expect. The Male Sedation Hypothesis, that online virtual worlds, such as pornography, may pacify the potential for violence among sexless young men, providing a counterfeit sense of sexual fulfillment and reducing motivation for real- life mate competition.

So in other words; in the past such men would have taken their frustration to the streets. Gathering into groups of other such men and causing trouble, kicking grannies and such. Nowdays they instead retreat into their mom's basements smoking weed, playing video games and watching porn.

[-] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Incel = involuntary celibate

You become one by not being able to find a life partner or even a one night stand. Not something I'd really blame the individual for.

[-] 0 points 3 weeks ago

My gaming PC has 9

[-] 39 points 3 weeks ago

Love it when I can buy personal massage devices and heavy earth moving machinery from the same place

[-] 64 points 3 weeks ago

I like hearing this so it must be true

[-] 11 points 3 weeks ago

I started my own business which involves going into people's homes and fixing shit. I'm meeting a ton of new people nowdays, granted most of them are either elderly or single older women / moms.

[-] 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Well, I'm on Lemmy myself, so perhaps that's some sort of an indication of where I prefer to discuss thing with people in general, not just about AI. My list of blocked users is rather vast though, so a big part of the loudest haters are being filtered out from my feed. That surely contributes to the better experience here - or atleast less bad.

Definitely prefered it over there at reddit, but I'm a man of principle so I'm not going back either.

[-] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Well I'd say that for a person to be evil they'd need to be doing evil things with the sole intention of causing harm with nothing good coming out of it. Perhaps a good caricature of an evil person would be someone wanting to destroy the world including themselves. Admittedly such people absolutely does exists so maybe that debunks my own claim.

However if someone draws joy from causing harm to others I wouldn't still call it evil but more like extreme disregard; you don't care how others feel, only how it makes you feel. This is why I don't think billionaires abusing the system for their own benefit makes them evil because causing harm is a byproduct of their selfish goals but not the intention of them. Similarly someone like Hitler wasn't evil either because causing suffering to the jews was not the reason he set up the death camps but rather a way to achieve his other goals.

[-] 2 points 3 weeks ago

No, but probably the dedicated subreddit


I consider myself to be the kind of person who can quite easily imagine myself in someone else's place. I don't know if I'm actually any better at it than the average person, but judging by the comment sections on social media and the conversations I've had with other people, I really struggle to get angry at strangers like many others do, even for things that anger is an appropriate reaction to.

This doesn't necessarily mean that I don't condemn their behavior, but that it doesn't provoke a particularly negative emotional reaction from me. I observe the world from a distance, and when I see someone acting differently, I generally can come up with a charitable story about why they act that way. While it doesn't usually justify the behavior, it at least helps me imagine why they're like that and reminds me that if I were in their shoes, I'd likely do the same thing.

This applies to cheating, violence, racism... Name a bad behavior, and I can come up with a story about what a person might be telling themselves to justify it. However, littering is something I simply cannot comprehend. I cannot wrap my mind around what a person is thinking when they're throwing trash on the ground for someone else to pick up. If it's something "minor" like a cigarette butt, then okay, I can somewhat understand, but tossing your McDonald's takeout bag onto the side of the road is completely psychopathic behavior to me. I don't think even the worst people in the world think of themselves as "bad" because they rationalize their behavior somehow. But if you throw trash into nature, you must know you're being a massive jerk.

Tl;dr: I want to hear the best justification for littering.


Of course, I'd do all the obvious things, such as getting a bigger house, a newer car, and quitting work, but beyond that, I have no interest in an extravagant lifestyle—or at least that's what I tell myself.

By a bigger house, I mean one typical of upper-middle-class living. I've watched plenty of videos of people touring million-dollar mansions, and they all look too big, open, and sterile to me. I've seen cozier tiny homes than those. And by a newer car, I mean a 2017 model or so instead of the 2007 one I drive now.

Really, give me a nice cottage by the lake with some land and a big garage for all my tools and toys, and I'm all set. I much prefer the idea of "hidden wealth" over showing it off. I'm just kind of worried that I wouldn't be able to live up to my own expectations if push comes to shove, and there's really no way of testing that. Am I just kidding myself here?

I feel the same way about fame. Many people aspire to become successful YouTubers or such, but the idea of people recognizing me on the street sounds awful.


"You can't intentionally annoy, mock, or harass other members."

Who have I been harassing? What the hell mods?


Despite not subscribing to political communities and having a large number of content filters based on keywords, my feed here is still for a large part all negative articles and ragebait. Elon Musk this and Israel that. Microsoft ruining windows, AI ruining internet, right wingers and capitalism ruining the world, police being racist and shooting innocent people, companies demanding workers into offices, privacy being under constant attack from all sides.. And all this despite the effort I go thru to block that from my view. I can only imagine what the unfiltered feed is like.

I get that this is all important stuff but holy shit it's depressing when that's all I read here every day. Sure, some of it is legitimately news worthy but lets be real here; much of it isn't. It's just to get you riled up and engaging with the post. It's the exact same thing all major social media recommendation algorithms are doing; feeding you content that causes outrage to keep you on the platform for as long as possible. Do we really need to know about every stupid thing Elon says or every police shooting where the victim is black?

It's no wonder so many people, especially younger ones feel absolutely miserable from day to day. It can't be healthy to live like this. I feel like this kind of media diet is pretty much equivalent to eating fast food every single day.

submitted 4 months ago by to c/

The filter I use to hide threads based on keywords doesn't seem to work for urls but I'm sure this is possible aswell.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

I live in a country that has treated me extremely well. I've benefited from a ton of free services paid with taxpayer money including education and healthcare so I feel the responsibility to do my part and pay my taxes.

However every single one of my close relatives expects special treatment and assumes I'm going to accept the payment "under the table" but I don't and I've made it clear from the beginning. They refuse to accept it even when it's for no extra cost to them. It's me whose losing money, not them. Still - the idea of me daring to charge them like "regular" people apparently is totally outrageous to them.

I try to be the change I want to see in the world. I judge moral questions by imagining wether the world would be a better or a worse place if everyone else acted like I do. I believe that doing things by the book is the right thing to do here. I understand where they're coming from and it's okay to ask but when I say no then it is so. They're free to use someone else's services who doesn't pay their taxes if that's what they want.

Now I'm basically at the point where no matter what I do someone is going to be unhappy. Ideally I would refuse all work to relatives but that too is going to leave them unhappy. Do I really need to let go of my own morals here so that I'm not seen as a complete asshole by everyone around me?


I know the real answer is reddit but I really don't want to go back now that I've already grown used to life without it. I was hoping for Lemmy to be a viable substitute but it isn't. I can see how this place is wonderful for the certain type of person but that person is not me. My experience during the past 6+ months has been a net negative and I'm pretty much ready to move on. I just don't know where else to go.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

I used to be able to do this with LASIM but it seems to be outdated and no longer works. Importing the settings from my profile doesn't include blocks.

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joined 11 months ago