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Okay, but dolphins don't have writing or any other means of storing arbitrary information. If an alien had that capability, which they will if they are a civilization, things might be very different

Because we would live in a shared reality, if both species were to try to achieve communication, we would start out with something as simple as the basic building blocks of reality, like, say, the elements of the periodic table, to build out the foundation of communication. Then you would incorporate stuff like math and logic, and then it's downhill from there

There are ways to build up a system of communication even though the two sides are as different from each other as they can be, because ultimately, as we share the same reality, we have an objective basis to base our method of communication on. And that's all you need. It doesn't matter if we speak and they use odors, if we can both agree that hydrogen is hydrogen, and we can both perceive that we are in presence of hydrogen

This is just posadism

Why would it never be easy? There's no fundamental reason for why it can't work as well as on windows, or any other operating system

[-] 5 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Private companies, especially global ones, have too much power. Isn't it kinda fucked up how a company can overrule laws in multiple countries all over the world, just due to how strong their presence is?

Except you can say this literal exact thing about the opposites too

Should black people have just stayed slaves and not have rights even though "they are absolutely convinced they should have"? Should us queer people never fight back and fight for acceptance? Etc etc.

The actual difference is the arguments for the specific position. What sound arguments are there for racism and slavery? What sound arguments are there for queer-phobia? What sound arguments are there for not following a vegan diet beyond "it tastes good"?

[-] 0 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

They literally do though? Have you ever seen a chicken farm? Or a mink farm? Or dozens of different examples of factory farming?

A few dead animals don't matter if you can fit in 20x the amount of chickens in the same space

Where is the border between acceptable and not acceptable lifestyle? The animals can't consent. If you beat your wife, is that also an individual lifestyle we have to respect? What if you neglect and beat your pets, for a closer example? What if your individual lifestyle is dumping trash into the ocean?

In theory? Yes. That's the point. All I'm saying is that it's not literally impossible, why is it so hard to understand?

[-] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Well, here we need to specify what "artificial" in this equation means. Because to me it just means "created by humans" (so, not natural processes). It doesn't say anything about it not being able to be near-identical to natural brains

Yes, absolutely. Because at a minimum we can recreate the human brain, as we know the human brain can exist.

I want more complex games though

Definitively not, this is something that tends to occur at low skill levels in MOBAs, but gets better at higher levels as people figure out how to actually play the strategic layer

I've lost plenty of lanes but came back in the midgame, there's a lot to do throughout the game, early, middle, and late. It's also about your team being able to adapt to the circumstances and execute the correct strategy at the right time taking into account the situation for your team

And people struggling to do this is just a natural part of a competitive game, really. And sure, snowballing is a thing, but so are comebacks.

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