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[-] 2 points 1 week ago

#2 on the sides, tapered up to finger length up top. Leave me some extra in the front

[-] 4 points 1 week ago

They are correct. I'd do it myself but there's alot of spam in 1 can for a pizza or even 2. I'll have to set some aside next time I make Spam Masubi. Of course that means a few less servings of masubi.... life is full of hard choices...

[-] 0 points 1 week ago

I'm generally against "sin taxes" but I have to admit that the $2 bump per pack after I quit smoking made it easier to not look back. It's now about $5 more (I think, I haven't actually looked for a while.)

After 18 years of smoking, I am glad I quit.

[-] 6 points 1 week ago

That and they just stay there active, decades after the conflict. There are still minefields from decades old conflicts that kill/injure people today.

[-] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

It's honestly no worse than dropping bombs on them. They don't have to deal with the explosive shock blowing out their ear drums either. It's way more escapable than sudden explosions happening all around you.

Besides.... if you invade a country you're down with death. A bunch of the soldiers use rape and attack civilians as well, so my concern for their well being dried up a long time ago.

[-] 37 points 1 week ago

That's actually not the problem with chemical weapons. Chemical weapons are banned due to their indiscriminate nature (being blown by the wind) and really the fact that it causes slow deaths over years. It's that it's tantamount to torture (which is also banned).

Blowing people's limbs off is considered A-OK as long as it's not done with land mines.

[-] 0 points 1 week ago

As a person with 3 cats, I get what you're saying. You're getting down voted, but we all know cats can devistate local wild life populations.

Rescuing them and making them indoor cats is the responsible thing to do, but I don't think any vegans would argue with that.

I think its after those establishing facts that the discussion is taking place.

I personally am not a fan of any breeding programs when there are so many cats and dogs available to rescue, but that's just me.

[-] 42 points 1 week ago

Eh, that's pretty metal. What I like about it is that it's not some chemical weapon that floats on the air to hiteveryone in the vicinity. You will see where you are hitting clearly because it's like a bright tracer round. And it'll cause more injuries than deaths.

You almost have a sporting chance to get away once it's started compared to the relatively sudden chaos of explosions.

[-] 3 points 2 weeks ago

They eat hella fruit off my fruits trees. And when I say eat, I mean take 3 bites and drop it on the ground to grab a new one and take 3 bites.

They waste 50 apricots to eat 3 apricots.

Until I started taking all the ground fruit and boiling it in a pot to make fruit juice for brandy distilling, it was a complete waste. Now it's still wasteful, because I'd rather eat the fruit, but at least I recover something from it.

Fuck squirrels.

[-] 4 points 2 weeks ago

I totally agreed when I was younger but over the years I've grown to appreciate when the game makes me play a "suboptimal" class/job. I learn to love some of the quirky characters because they make me try them.

When I'm given all the jobs I compulsively try to level them all because I'm broken that way.

[-] 18 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Thank you! That was an informative article. It's like we are giving them Raytheon gift cards every year. This makes sense, as it's the military industrial complex doing what it do. More blood for the blood gods, etc.

What I think is interesting from the break down is how they are supposed only use it for defense, but then when we go "hey I don't think you are using that for defense!" We don't stop handing out the gift cards.

Also when we were struggling to get congressional approval to give them more gift cards, we let them raid our munitions cookie jar we had been storing with them in case we needed it for the past 40 years.

It sucks, but I can understand why the US is so reluctant to give up their only long term ally in the region, who's supported us in our unreasonable conflicts against immense global backlash. We also use them to funnel more taxpayer money to military contractors which are spread all over the US, financially benefiting many states in the process.

As always it's all about the money.

[-] 8 points 2 weeks ago

I don't really understand what weapons our government is sending Isreal. Is it that we just aren't canceling their contracts with our weapons manufacturers? Or we arent banning exports of weapons?

Our government doesn't actually make weapons, we give contracts to companies to make them and have limits on who else can buy. Isreal doesn't need our hand-me-downs.

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