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[-] 11 points 3 days ago

The idea of "posthuman cyborgs" is so fanciful, that I don't think you are connected enough to reality to even make an accurate judgement on "the possible."

We have the technology TODAY, RIGHT NOW to go to mars and make it back. There is no over-arching reason to do such a thing, but there are also no significant technological barriers preventing us from doing it. Human Cyborgs are 100% impossible today, and there are a myriad number of things preventing that kind of development. For example, we cannot today, keep a brain alive for any significant time, outside of it's existing organic support body. Individual neurons? Sure, but a system of neurons at any comparable complexity as even a simple mouse brain? Nope. On the other-hand we have actually kept people alive in space for over a year, and we only need around 2years to get to mars and back. We also have the capability to send things to mars and bring them back, so combining those two things, and there ya go.

[-] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Mars L1 Lagrange point is only 2.2million km

This is false. L1 is 137Million Miles from the sun. Though it is only 650,000 miles from Mars, which is probably where you are getting your 2.2million Km from.

[-] 17 points 3 days ago

This is cool. Reading the article I'm not sure if 1-2 Tesla is sufficient for the shield, or if you would actually need a lot more. But either way I feel like when we get to the point that we are seriously colonizing Mars in such a capacity that we need to worry about the magnetosphere, that putting a powerful magnet at the L1 point wouldn't really be that big a deal.

[-] 1 points 4 days ago

The video kind of proves my point. It was janky, he fired <20bullets, and it jammed several times during the demo. Don't get me wrong, it's cool as hell, but yea not very practical for anything and certainly not durable enough to be a viable alternative to CNC/Milling.

[-] 24 points 5 days ago

Point of order, Kamala didn't "lead" anything, she was chosen by party insiders of the clinton wing to take over.

Also Aljazeera has always been highly critical of the US, I started reading them fairly regularly in the mid 2000's as they were one of the only outlets criticizing Bush. (I don't think the intercept existed yet.)

[-] 5 points 5 days ago

Probably the same number that used 3d-printed guns.

[-] 3 points 5 days ago

This is basically how today's 3d printed guns work, but even still the gun isn't good for more then a few magazines afaik. So it's interesting as a way to create a gun that isn't serialized and the ATF can't trace, but it's not durable, and it still requires a good deal of precision engineering/cost, so its not feasible to print a truck-load and sell them for cheap.

[-] 30 points 5 days ago

I love technological non-solutions to social problems. They are the only thing the work better then passing more laws that say you can't murder people with guns.

[-] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Man, you guys just don’t understand that race is not an actual idea

"you guys" i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that racists don't actually exist on lemmy. Leftist understand that "race" was a construct used to divide people based on criteria that aren't threatening to the status quo. In the US, race exist to make sure that people don't question the capitalists. In China is exist to make sure people don't question whatever the inherent power structure that existed at the time "ethnic racism" was defined.
The point is it doesn't matter. The purpose of the division was the same and the practical division was equally spurious.

[-] 4 points 2 weeks ago

There’s a pretty clear delineation from racism and ethnic prejudice. One is a classification system used to loosely categorize people by general region and skin tone. The other is actually based on ethnic groups, and tends to actually be based on historical context.

Ok but seems like a distinction without a difference. Neither racism, nor ethnic racism, have anything to do with video games.

[-] 5 points 3 weeks ago

A useful website to help contextualize how much power this is.

Current US demand as of 20:30CST is ~560,000 Megawatt Hours. This facility can provide 8500megawatt hours over 100hours, or 85Megawatts/hr or about .015% of US electricity demand in an hour. At a cost of around ~$150million, that means to have enough storage for 10% of US demand, you would need ~670 of these facilities, or about $100 Billion.

Not too bad tbh. But of course this facility has a storage capacity of zero until it actually get's built (if it gets built).

[-] 6 points 3 weeks ago

High-school memories of extracting gunpower from bullets and making pipe-bombs. I also experimented with electronic detonators. Fun stuff and blossomed a life-long interest in chemistry. But yea really dangerous.

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