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[-] 19 points 21 hours ago

Are you sure that's not a microphone for videos? It'd be really weird to have a hole like that. Water should easily push itself through that hole. I honestly don't know what you're talking about when it comes to air pressure. I'm pretty sure your eardrums can survive close to a 1 atmosphere difference in pressure, and those are way more fragile than your phone. I'm not sure why your phone would need to normalize air pressure.

[-] 23 points 1 day ago

It seems like the big weakness of torrents is that if the front-end goes down, then no one can get new torrents anymore, making the front-end an obvious target due to its centralized nature. However, has anyone considered making an activitypub-powered torrent tracker/download site? Kinda like a hybrid between soulseek and BitTorrent. The sites in the network all get torrent information from each other so you have a billion front-ends. Good luck stopping that if they all sync their databases together.

[-] 6 points 2 days ago

Since everyone's having fun dunking on these, I might as well have a go and potentially look like a fool in the process. Note, I will be commenting on the accuracy of the chart and assessing whether the chart is correct, not the myth.

  1. Partially-correct. As someone else said, it's very unlikely for you to restart a heart with a defib; they're meant to stabilize a fibrillating heart (when the heart is beating irregularly and too quickly, like a heart attack). However, if you can get a person's heart to start fibrillating by some other method, like CPR, then it can help stabilize them.

  2. Correct. It does indeed take longer than a couple seconds to knock someone out with chloroform. That said, supposedly plenty of other medical anesthetics that supposedly can put you out really fast.

  3. Misleading. Tracing calls is extremely fast, it's getting the proper authorization that takes time.

  4. Iirc this is technically correct; forensic investigation doesn't actually tell you anything about what happened, only what is present now. The explanation is what you get from the evidence. Seems a bit like saying, "guns don't kill, it's the massive trauma resulting from your body trying to stop a tiny lump of lead that's flying at over 1k meters-per-second that kills you" but okay.

  5. Technically correct, but wrong in practice. This is such a widespread myth that cops will sometimes repeat it. Additionally, the time period can be anywhere between 24~72hrs, depending on the person responding. So if someone tells you to fuck off and wait, call and try again.

  6. Correct. >95% of the time the victim is too busy trying not to drown in order to yell or scream. You need air to scream, and if you're struggling to get air, then screaming isn't something you're doing.

  7. Partially-correct. Aiming with two guns is possible, but significantly harder than shooting one. People try to do something hard like splitting their attention to aim at two targets, and then when they can't do it, they assume that it's impossible. No bitch, that's like an archer giving up because they didn't hit the target the first time. Don't let your dreams be memes, gitgud.

  8. Partially-correct. There are some extremely quiet guns out there, and subsonic ammo helps quiet the gun further (bullets aren't breaking the sound barrier, also lower powder load = smaller explosion). However, it's unlikely you'll get a gun down to a "pew pew pew" like in the spy movies.

  9. Almost completely wrong. Firstly, aim at center mass. Yes, it's thicker, but there's also a lot of air in there and the individual pieces of metal are probably thinner. It'll be easier to hit and less likely for the lock to deflect the bullet (hitting a flat-ish surface vs curved one). Secondly, use something other than a .22 pistol.

  10. Mostly correct. If you have headsets then you probably could, especially if they cover your mouth, but otherwise basically correct.

  11. You see that little lever? You're supposed to hold that down before you pull the pin. Dumbass.

  12. Eh, kinda. Depends on the asteroid belt. Planetary belt? They can absolutely be that dense (though they're unlikely to be all that big). Stellar belt? Probably not, or at least ours isn't that dense. That said, it's a big universe out there and we haven't even come close to visiting our neighboring stellar system, so who knows.

Tbh, some of these myths are so widespread and have such a high risk of causing injury from ignorance (like 5 and 6) that it should be illegal to repeat them in a way that portrays them as factually correct in media. However, based on my current knowledge, that's my rundown on the trues/falses.

[-] 0 points 3 days ago

I said that I'd be very concerned if I pissed and farts started coming out instead. Like, I went to pee but farts came out of my urethra.

[-] 0 points 4 days ago

Imagine if poop came out.

[-] 11 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

The other significant grouping I've run into are the ones that only cheat on PTW games, where they'll say that if you can pay your way to winning, the game is already a cheat. I actually agree with them, but I just refuse to play those games, even if they're otherwise very good. In theory, I would maybe cheat in those games if I knew for a fact everyone playing was cheating too.

I used to cheat in Need for Speed World. Almost everything worth getting was locked behind an extremely steep paywall ($15 for a car kinda paywall). I don't know why I played that game, but I loved it. I didn't cheat to win though. See, need for speed world was very poorly programmed. Badly enough that you couldn't tell when people were cheating because they would lag-port around due to shitty netcode and/or shitty servers (knowing the devs, probably both). There was a lot of car customization in the game, which is where my cheating came in. A number of body kits for the cars were normally sold in packs with a fancy spoiler for premium currency. However, iirc the kits themselves (minus the spoiler) were hidden but available for purchase with in-game cash if you knew the right memory values to edit/freeze (tricking the game into letting you buy one of the hidden body kits). As such, you could get most of the premium body kits for free and the devs didn't give a fuck.

Need For Speed World basically had whales, "cheaters" and cheaters.

[-] 0 points 4 days ago

But farts aren't supposed to come out of your pee hole.


[-] 20 points 4 days ago

I don't really have any ideas, but I want to warn you, you might be about to get into a fight you can't win. The town is probably so picturesque as the result of tradition and liberal application of ordinances. Don't let that discourage you, I'm just saying to keep that in mind when making plans.

[-] 0 points 4 days ago

Personally, I'd find it very concerning if I went to piss and farts started coming out instead.

[-] 19 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Okay, keep digging your own grave Nintendo. Twitch streamers and YouTubers are a major source of advertising for you, even for back-catalog stuff. The only reason why I see Nintendo directs is because a streamer I enjoy watches them. My interest in Nintendo stuff is pretty low but I've been persuaded to buy a few Nintendo games as a result of YouTube or twitch videos. But here's the thing: these guys have no filter. They swear constantly and love innuendo. They will probably get caught in Nintendo's net and stop streaming Nintendo stuff. As a result, I will no longer be paying attention to what Nintendo's doing.

[-] 20 points 5 days ago


Joking aside, if you think you've found a body, drugs, a gun, whatever it is; don't touch it, find a place that's far away from the thing but in view so you can keep an eye on it, and then call it in. I know, ACAB and all that, but this is serious shit. You don't wanna be too close in case the owner comes back, but you don't wanna leave it either.

[-] 12 points 6 days ago

Isn't Minecraft still mostly original devs though? I thought Microsoft basically paid notch to fuck off and then basically told Mojang to keep doing what they were already doing; as long as papa Microsoft gets their cut, they're happy kinda thing.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

This is a """school""" that makes "pray away the gay" camps look like lovely vacation experiences. They primarily cater to families with neurodivergent kids under the guise of helping them learn how to function in a neurotypical society. They use methods like GEDs to administer electric shocks when students "act up", long-term restraints (which the students have to carry with them in case they have to be "conditioned"), solitary confinement, sensory deprivation and food deprivation. I'd highly recommend reading the entire article, especially the parts about behavioral modification, controversies, litigation, and work culture. It's so much worse than you can imagine. I wanted to quote parts of the article to highlight how bad it is, but I would be copying and pasting half the article.

This place is still in operation.

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