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[-] 6 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

You can also nest rootful Xwayland in there too!

From the user's shell,

WAYLAND_DISPLAY=/run/user/1000/wayland-0 Xwayland :1 &
i3 &
xterm &
konsole &

Of course you that means you can also run Plasma X11 that way for example:

[-] 11 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

Make sure to use machinectl and not sudo or anything else. That's about the symptoms I'd expect from an incomplete session setup. The use of machinectl there was very deliberate, as it goes through all the PAM, logind, systemd and D-Bus stuff as any normal login. It gets you a clean and properly registered session, and also gets rid of anything tied to your regular user:

max-p@desktop ~> loginctl list-sessions
      2 1000 max-p seat0 3088   user    tty2  no   -    
      3 1000 max-p -     3112   manager -     no   -    
      8 1001 tv    -     589069 user    pts/4 no   -    
      9 1001 tv    -     589073 manager -     no   -    

It basically gets you to a state of having properly logged into the system, as if you logged in from SDDM or in a virtual console. From there, if you actually had just logged in a tty as that user, you could run startplasma-wayland and end up in just as if you had logged in with SDDM, that's what SDDM eventually launches after logging you in, as per the session file:

max-p@desktop ~> cat /usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasma.desktop 
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/lib/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland
Name=Plasma (Wayland)
# ... and translations in every languages

From there we need one last trick, it's to get KWin to start nested. That's what the additional WAYLAND_DISPLAY=/run/user/1000/wayland-0 before is supposed to do. Make sure that this one is ran within the machinectl shell, as that shell and only that shell is the session leader.

The possible gotcha I see with this, is if startplasma-wayland doesn't replace that WAYLAND_DISPLAY environment variable with KWin's, so all the applications from that session ends up using the main user. You can confirm this particular edge case by logging in with the secondary user on a tty, and running the same command including the WAYLAND_DISPLAY part of it. If it starts and all the windows pop up on your primary user's session, that's the problem. If it doesn't, then you have incorrect session setup and stuff from your primary user bled in.

Like, that part is really important, by using machinectl the process tree for the secondary user starts from PID 1:

max-p@desktop ~> pstree
        ├─bash─┬─(sd-pam)                 # <--- This is the process machinectl spawned
        │      └─fish───zsh───fish───zsh  # <-- Here I launched a bunch of shells to verify it's my machinectl shell
        ├─systemd─┬─(sd-pam) # <-- And that's my regular user
        │         ├─Discord─┬─Discord───Discord───46*[{Discord}]
        │         ├─DiscoverNotifie───9*[{DiscoverNotifie}]
        │         ├─cool-retro-term─┬─fish───btop───{btop}
        │         ├─dbus-broker-lau───dbus-broker
        │         ├─dconf-service───3*[{dconf-service}]
        │         ├─easyeffects───11*[{easyeffects}]
        │         ├─firefox─┬─3*[Isolated Web Co───30*[{Isolated Web Co}]]

Super weird stuff happens otherwise that I can't explain other than some systemd PAM voodoo happens. There's a lot of things that happens when you log in, for example giving your user access to keyboard, mouse and GPU, and the type of session depends on the point of entry. Obviously if you log in over SSH you don't get the keyboard assigned to you. When you switch TTY, systemd-logind also moves access to peripherals such that user A can't keylog user B while A's session is in the background. Make sure the machinectl session is also the only session opened for the secondary user, as it being assigned to a TTY session could also potentially interfere.

what distro/plasma version are you running? (here it's opensuse slowroll w/ plasma 6.1.4)

Arch, Plasma 6.1.5.

what happens if you just run startplasma-wayland from a terminal as your user? (I see the plasma splash screen and then I'm back to my old session)

You mean a tty or a terminal emulator like Konsole?

  • In a tty
    • if I'm already logged in it should switch to the current session as multi-instance is not supported
    • if it's my only graphical session, it should start Plasma normally with the only exception being KWallet not unlocking automatically.
  • In a terminal within my graphical session: nothing at all.
[-] 5 points 18 hours ago

It's a lot easier with Wayland and hardware acceleration works, see my solution. It does a proper login session and starts the whole DE exactly the same way as if you logged in from a tty too so everything just works as expected there. Wayland devs use that a lot for testing and development so it's quite well supported overall.

[-] 79 points 19 hours ago

Totally possible. It'll work best with Wayland thanks to nested compositor support, whereas on Xorg you'd need to use Xephyr which doesn't do hardware acceleration.

# Give the other user access to your Wayland socket
setfacl -m u:otheruser:rx $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
setfacl -m u:otheruser:rwx $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/wayland-0

# Open a session as the other user (note the trailing @, it's there to login in to the local machine)
sudo machinectl login otheruser@

# Start your DE!
WAYLAND_DISPLAY=/run/user/$(id -u yourmainuser)/wayland-0 startplasma-wayland

And tada! Nested Wayland session

[-] 8 points 1 day ago

Does the morning coffee count? I'll skip it if I'm being late but I do like my morning coffee.

[-] 3 points 1 day ago

I would use maybe a Raspberry Pi or old laptop with two drives (preferably different brands/age, HDD or SSD doesn't really matter) in it using a checksumming filesystem like btrfs or ZFS so that you can do regular scrubs to verify data integrity.

Then, from that device, pull the data from your main system as needed (that way, the main system has no way of breaking into the backup device so won't be affected by ransomware), and once it's done, shut it off or even unplug it completely and store it securely, preferably in a metal box to avoid any magnetic fields from interfering with the drives. Plug it in and boot it up every now and then to perform a scrub to validate that the data is all still intact and repair the data as necessary and resilver a drive if one of them fails.

The unfortunate reality is most storage mediums will eventually fade out, so the best way to deal with that is an active system that can check data integrity and correct the files, and rewrite all the data once in a while to make sure the data is fresh and strong.

If you're really serious about that data, I would opt for both an HDD and an SSD, and have two of those systems at different locations. That way, if something shakes up the HDD and damages the platter, the SSD is probably fine, and if it's forgotten for a while maybe the SSD's memory cells will have faded but not the HDD. The strength is in the diversity of the mediums. Maybe burn a Blu-Ray as well just in case, it'll fade too but hopefully differently than an SSD or an HDD. The more copies, even partial copies, the more likely you can recover the entirety of the data, and you have the checksums to validate which blocks from which medium is correct. (Fun fact, people have been archiving LaserDiscs and repairing them by ripping the same movie from multiple identical discs, as they're unlikely to fade at exactly the same spots at the same time, so you can merge them all together and cross-reference them and usually get a near perfect rip of it).

[-] 3 points 1 day ago

I don't understand what's up with the US and this will to always hand out the harshest punishment in every situation. Locking someone up for 20 years in prison does nothing to reform them, the whole system is designed for them to fail and get locked up again too. Can't get jobs because you're forever tagged as a felon, and the conditions are so harsh nobody can employ them anyway because they can barely do a normal 9-5 because they put probation appointments in the middle of the day so you always have to ask for time off, can't do overtime because you have to be home outside of 9-5. All those institutions are biased towards locking them up again because that's how they make money, it's in their financial interest and duty to shareholders to keep a market of criminals to lock up.

The only option left for those people upon release is to go right back to crime because that's the only thing that doesn't discriminate against them forever and allows them to make sufficient money, or jobs that are basically slavery with extra steps.

And in this case it's pretty clear they got the biggest possible sentence because they weren't white.

Upon Ms. Polk’s release, she earned a doctorate in public policy and administration and is an advocate for the elderly

That seems like a perfect example of someone that has been reformed and is no longer deserving of punishment. Only someone made out of pure anger would have a problem with that.

[-] 48 points 1 day ago

The real victim here is the poor souls that have to use Oracle products

[-] 22 points 3 days ago

No but it does show how much capitalism relies on the absolute exploitation of the labor market and the double-standards from the US in that regard. Free market good but only when US companies are the ones fucking everyone over.

  • US companies buying cheap stuff from China and marking it up 500%: good, American values
  • China cuts the middleman and sells the same product for the same price they would sell it to the reseller: noooooo we can't compete with that, China bad, it's so unfair! Waaaaaaa

At least the EU doesn't constantly brag about muh freedom and how the free market is the best thing ever and you're a commie if you don't agree that capitalism is the best.

[-] 3 points 3 days ago

I believe you, but I also very much believe that there are security vendors out there demonizing LE and free stuff in general. The more expensive equals better more serious thinking is unfortunately still quite present, especially in big corps. Big corps also seem to like the concept of having to prove yourself with a high price of entry, they just can't believe a tiny company could possibly have a better product.

That doesn't make it any less ridiculous, but I believe it. I've definitely heard my share of "we must use $sketchyVendor because $dubiousReason". I've had to install ClamAV on readonly diskless VMs at work because otherwise customers refuse to sign because "we have no security systems". Everything has to be TLS encrypted, even if it goes to localhost. Box checkers vs common sense.

[-] 60 points 3 days ago

IMO that's more of a problem with the industry not really caring to support lower specs, or generally not seeing the deck as a real console or platform to target. People still make Switch games and the damn thing was already outdated at launch and they even underclocked it for good measures.

At 800p you've got to start thinking, is most of the detail those games compute even actually visible the on screen? How many PCs does that make obsolete? If the deck can't run it at 800p, even at 1080p you're gonna need what, an RTX 2060 for the lowest settings on a PC?

Some of the example titles don't even sound like they're the kind of titles that are made to showcase what your 4090 can do, which logically you'd want as many people as possible to be able to play it.

[-] 9 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

LetsEncrypt certs are DV certs. That a put a TXT record for LetsEncrypt vs a TXT record for a paid DigiCert makes no difference whatsoever.

I just checked and Shopify uses a LetsEncrypt cert, so that's a big one that uses the plebian certs.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

Neat little thing I just noticed, might be known but I never head of it before: apparently, a Wayland window can vsync to at least 3 monitors with different refresh rates at the same time.

I have 3 monitors, at 60 Hz, 144 Hz, and 60 Hz from left to right. I was using glxgears to test something, and noticed when I put the window between the monitors, it'll sync to a weird refresh rate of about 193 fps. I stretched it to span all 3 monitors, and it locked at about 243 fps. It seems to oscillate between 242.5 and 243.5 gradually back and forth. So apparently, it's mixing the vsync signals together and ensuring every monitor's got a fresh frame while sharing frames when the vsyncs line up.

I knew Wayland was big on "every frame is perfect", but I didn't expect that to work even across 3 monitors at once! We've come a long, long way in the graphics stack. I expected it to sync to the 144Hz monitor and just tear or hiccup on the other ones.

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