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[-] 4 points 9 months ago

No problem. :)

[-] 4 points 9 months ago

I feel like most of the layoffs and the flooded market happened in the US. Judging by the name, bleistift is from the EU...

[-] 4 points 9 months ago

You say that like anyone knows how Fahrenheit even works.

[-] 2 points 9 months ago

I mean, yeah, I am also assuming that she was no expert on the matter. We're saying that it was an understandable opinion for a lay person or even someone who kept up with the bigger titles. It certainly wasn't easy back then to know about all kinds of games...

[-] 19 points 9 months ago

Nah, FOSS stands for "free and open-source software". There was a time before paid software was a thing, so the "free" there stands for freedom.

In a lot of ways, it means the same as open-source (access to source code and allowed to modify+redistribute it), but it's more idealistic and political, looking to prevent software from restricting what users can do.

[-] 13 points 9 months ago

Yeah, these days it's obvious that video games are the next logical step in media consumption. First we had audio. Then we had audio+video. Now we have audio+video+interaction. You can literally watch a movie inside of a video game, if you care to.

But back then, the audio and video qualities of games weren't yet terribly developed. You could still easily find board games, or heck, sports, that were more complex than Pac-Man and Space Invaders.
I can definitely see that one would think, it's a novelty and not be able to imagine how cineastic games would become, or that some even contain books worth of history lessons.

[-] 3 points 9 months ago

It took maybe 10 minutes or so for a 256 GB hard drive for me, if I remember correctly.

That was an SSD, though, so yeah, mileage would definitely vary on an HDD.

[-] 4 points 9 months ago

Hmm, what does that full format do? Write zeros over everything?

Personally, I would run shred on the root filesystem. It's a tool specifically intended for properly deleting data (overwrites it with random data multiple times).

[-] 2 points 9 months ago

I came into this comment section wanting to make the same argument, but I guess, you could also be carrying around a USB-C-to-audio-jack adapter in addition to your wired headphones...

[-] 6 points 9 months ago

I thought, this was going to be about D~~oom~~RL, which is a different take on that:


[-] 11 points 9 months ago

This is a bit of me-thing, but yeah, I'm annoyed that YouTube is the way it is. It's non-trivial to embed videos from there without violating the GDPR, so embedded videos are basically not a thing these days on general-purpose social media.

And personally, I also want to avoid the tracking from clicking through to a YouTube video and Google encourages long-ass videos, so I always hesitate before clicking through. Also, people without ad blockers go through a completely different circle of hell before a video starts.

Basically, I miss the days when memes could just be short videos. Where everyone could see on the embed that, oh, it's a 30 second video, I can watch that. And then they'd just click play, without leaving the page.

I do understand that likely no one would care to provide the bandwidth for dumb meme videos on PeerTube either. But yeah, I just dream of that being a thing.

submitted 10 months ago by to c/

Solar now being the cheapest energy source made its rounds on Lemmy some weeks ago, if I remember correctly. I just found this graphic and felt it was worth sharing independently.


me_irl (
submitted 1 year ago by to c/

Was just trying to explain to someone why everything is going to shit, specifically companies, and realized, I don't fully get it either.

I've got the following explanation. The sentences marked with "???" are were I'm lost. Anyone mind telling me, if they're correct and if so, why?

The past few years, central banks were giving out interest rates of 0% or even negative percentages. Regular banks would not quite pass this on, but you could still loan money and give it back later with no real interest payments.

This lead to lots of people investing in companies. As long as those companies paid out more money than those low interest rates, it was worthwhile. But at the same time, this meant companies didn't have to be profitable, because they could pay out investors from money that other investors gave them???

This has stopped being the case, as central banks are hiking interest rates again, to combat inflation???

New ideas using Wayland Input Methods (
submitted 1 year ago by to c/
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