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[-] 1 points 5 hours ago

That's the thing, I don't know enough to know what to even ask.

Fair enough.

I have no idea what PATH is or why I want to do that, but I can do it

Its really only for non standard installs. That is outside of the package manager or flatpak. PATH is just where the computer will look for executables. Since you installed from source or some other side then it won't be in the normal /bin. You're just updating your PATH to include other places.

[-] 3 points 18 hours ago

What exactly are you trying to do?

[-] 18 points 19 hours ago

As a result the populace is not psychologically prepared for things to go wrong

Oddly also the group that loves to say a civil war is around the corner, yet was dying to go hang out during covid.

[-] 3 points 19 hours ago

I've always felt good about using Ubuntu and derivatives. I get their opinions and they have some good points, but I'm not sure why I'd let that change my flow.

[-] 7 points 22 hours ago

I like the Taliban guy telling the 911 conspiracy guy that 911 was real.

[-] 88 points 4 days ago

it can't be defeated with logic and reasoning

YouTube channel Knowing Better made a video about the Seventh Day Adventist. Basically the same conclusion.

[-] 2 points 4 days ago

I like it. I'd let you serve as a CTO at my beloved corp

[-] 4 points 4 days ago

You might not like it, but that is what peak shareholders value looks like.

[-] 0 points 4 days ago

I suppose there's a lesson about Dick having a certain level of principles. Not that I'd agree with them, but damn.

[-] 0 points 5 days ago

Well... Did it stop?

[-] 5 points 1 week ago

Normal day in America.


Just a small way to help people get their FOSS. What are some other projects that have torrents that would be good to seed?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

How does Linux it self or some other software on Linux address what Crowd Strike is doing for Windows?

E: thanks for the answers :)


Does anyone here use LXD/Incus? What do you do if you want to find the IP address of an instance, but incus list does not give you one? I am not sure what would be stopping one from being issued since that is how I have found that information before.

I am just a student trying to learn about them and do stuff. I often just find the IP of the container and then ssh in as that feels natural, but perhaps I am cutting against the grain here.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

The video is not real, but very cool editing.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

The video is not real, but very cool editing.


Hey all!

(I did post this in c/flatpak, but this community is more active. I am not sure where would be more appropriate)

Something that I have been wanting to get working is having my browser and password manager both in flatpak. I really like being sandbox and having faster updates if the distro is on the slower side perhaps.

I have a set up with Firefox as a deb and keepassxc as a flat and that works find as one would expect. I did want to install Vivaldi as a flatpak and was not able to get it to talk with keepass.

In my reading I found this: installing KeePassXC natively, which you’d actually want for security reasons.

installing KeePassXC natively, which you’d actually want for security reasons

What is mean by that line of reasoning?


So I went to a hospital the other day and was told I have a de-deductible of $3,000. I am not sure how much my insurance paid (if anything). At some point I have to talk to the hospital about payment and I want to talk them down to accept a lower amount. I do have some savings to offer, but I would like to get them to agree to take that amount and write off the rest rather than just admit I have that safety net and still have payments.

If it helps the discussion my insurance is supposed to be "managed". Which means that I call them and they then tell me where I can go and not have to pay anything out of pocket. It just happened that I had been having some pretty bad stomach issues I was hoping would go away. I then realized I had spend just under 2 days like this, but it was memorial day so their number was closed and any small clinic, so I went to the ER worried my appendix was bursting or something serious was happening to me.

Getting into Civ 6 (

I got into Civilization rather late with their fifth entry. I was hesitant because as I get older I need more time to game than I do new titles. Still I picked up six with all DLC during the last sale. I have to say I am liking the changes. It was good to wait because Civ does need its DLCs to feel complete.

On a side note, it runs quite nice on the Steam Deck (In desktop mode docked)


I am someone who has been trying to pivot into having a tech job. I have used LaTex before as a student and there is a job I am trying to take that uses Jaspersoft to make reports. Is jasper similar to LaTeX? Are there resources you found particularly helpful?

I am currently still looking to get my install, hello world, and combing their site.


Not my video. Just felt it fits here for more discussion. Personally I do like the idea of more/better sandboxing for apps.

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joined 1 year ago