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[-] 13 points 3 months ago

Idk, i think SpaceX is catching a lot of heat just because they have musk "at the helm". He doesnt even do anything there, he isnt an aerospace engineer. They just let him sit in mission control so he can feel special. The actual work spacex is doing is revolutionary. Reuseable rockets are a seriously groundbreaking development. Almost everything you do these days relies on a sattelite connection, so doing that cheaper, more reliably, and less wastefully is massive.

Starlink is a different matter tho, its just another ISP but with a fancy connection method.

[-] 2 points 3 months ago

If he gets his companies to move to some homebrew, kludgey version of linux and names it dumb shit like futureOS, XOS, or linux 2, im going to tattoo my eyeballs

[-] 18 points 3 months ago

Heartbreaking news, worst person in the world makes a good point.

[-] 3 points 3 months ago

This is something that steve jobs talked about in an interview that I cannot find at the moment. Its ironic coming from him, but he was talking about when a company truly begins to die. His theory was that when a company is founded, the people that made and designed the product/service are in positions of power. But as a company grows and lives on they get replaced with marketing people. They dont know how to make anything, but they do have that "line go up" mentality. Instead of making something better, the marketing and sales people find ways to sell worse things. Again, hilarious coming from him but i think he had a point.

[-] 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I have a 4060ti, swapped over to endeavour (arch with gui (btw)) after some previous microsoft fuckery. Damn near everything worked out of the box. The only issue that i had, that i still cant fix, is getting wayland working. Xorg works perfectly fine, but wayland is just the future. Nvidia started releasing driver updates for linux that'll make it start working easier tho.

Ive used computers for my whole life so i know not everyone will share my experience with linux. But trouble shooting on windows was so much worse for me. Looking at depreciated forum posts, wishing i was back on windows 7, searching through weird, halfway redundant menus (how many device management menus are there???) And so on. So much of the system gets in your way because it doesnt trust you. With linux its as simple as googling your problem, some guy had the same issue 3 years ago and his fix still works. You go to the terminal and its like

do this

are you sure?

sudo do this

And then the problems gone (except for wayland, i know). Its great.

Edit: i got wayland working.

[-] 5 points 5 months ago

I started with void cuz it sounded cool and it just shipped with the wifi drivers i needed. I got real lucky.

[-] 55 points 5 months ago

Spez shit the bed and now I run linux.

[-] 7 points 5 months ago

I fucking love that podcast. So well researched and perfectly presented

[-] 6 points 5 months ago

Im not praising musk, and i really think he fucked up his lead on twitter and tesla, but he is very much similar to jobs. Neither musk nor jobs have done really any of the engineering work, but both have had their hands in some pretty remarkable tech. Musk with paypal, spacex, tesla. Again, im not saying hes a good engineer, he hasnt done anything, but to discredit those companies is unfair.

[-] 7 points 6 months ago

Sure its playable but the game is still (and i think always will be) lacking the VAST majority of features they've been talking about for more than 10 years.

[-] 5 points 9 months ago

Probably not, theres been some needleless vaccines before that did ok. If anyone has done time in the military you're probably familiar. Also any loss in efficacy could probably just be offset with higher concentrations

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