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[-] 6 points 4 months ago

Does anyone know the best lemmy community to ask about SEO and web/finance tech in relation to a small business? I have a small business that is doing very well, but SEO and word of mouth is a direct contributor to its success, and I think I'm getting screwed over in cost by the company I've been paying to run my site building, hosting and, SEO.

[-] 1 points 5 months ago

And my argument is that of course more research is needed, but it's to prove what we already know. Inhaling properly manufactured vape juices is less harmful than smoking cigarettes by a large degree.

If you see a house billowing with smoke you don't have to wait for firefighters to tell you the house is on fire.

[-] 6 points 5 months ago

I have lived in a cold climate area my whole life and have severe reynauds syndrome. It can be 100F and the second I touch an ice cube all of my fingers turn deathly pale. Nearly 100% of the time, no matter the temperature, I will have an extremity that has no blood flow. It is severe enough that it is physically debilitating. I can't play in the snow with my kids for very long, or play guitar without running my hands under a hot tap. Right now I have a cheap box fan running on low, 10' away, and four of my fingers have cut circulation. Because there is no blood in my fingers or toes, touching anything freezing cold feels like they are being stabbed. I'm also very prone to frostbite and have worried about losing my toes a few times due to it. I actually have little feeling in them and have lobbed of parts of my fingers off which can't even slightly compare to the pain of grabbing a cold steering wheel. When I wash my hands the water has to be scalding hot and have accidentally caused others to scald themselves by forgetting to tell them.

My body though? Can't handle anything above 75f. I'm comfortable in just boxers in 50F. I overheat in long sleeves so easily that I own 1 longsleeve shirt. I had to get the HVAC tech at my work to change the air exchangers so that my work area was 60F so I didnt sweat through my PPE.

Plus, mine is a lifelong curse unlike your wimpy little leukemia. I kid. I just wanted to complain a bit. Glad you beat the big C. I hope to never have that battle and hope it was your last.

[-] 0 points 6 months ago

You're clearly not cherry picking. If you were, you might have some articles that at least hint that ECs might be more harmful than cigarettes, but none of them come close. The first link you posted gets the closest, but it's also just an article about one experiment, using 4 liquids that are not recommended in EC communities.

The rest of the actual studies you posted are not about safety. They do not compare disease or illness or death between the two. One of them does compare the amount of toxic chemicals in ECs to cigarettes and finds ECs to have zero. Until there are long term studies comparing the rate of death and disease, no journal is going to publish any definitive answer that ECs are safer than cigarettes. Until then, we will just have a bunch of studies comparing chemical composition, rates and particle sizes. And if it isn't obvious, chemical composition and their rates are a bit more worrisome than the latter.

If you read through these studies and still think vaping is more harmful than cigarettes, then by all means wait the 50 years it will take the scientific community to out right say the obvious "vaping isn't healthy, but it is significantly less harmful than traditional tobacco smoking."

[-] 4 points 6 months ago

Ignorant take. When vape products contain, at most, 6 ingredients, all of which have been individually extensively studied, none of which are carcinogenic, and 5 of them are FDA approved for food and pharmaceuticals, theres a pretty obvious harm reduction to inhaling thousands of compounds with at least 70 being carcinogens. So much so that every study you can find will conclude the same.

Here's a quote from a source I would call a qualified institution on the matter: "In its 2016 assessment, the Royal College of Physicians of London stated: “Although it is not possible to precisely quantify the long-term health risks associated with e-cigarettes, the available data suggest that they are unlikely to exceed 5% of those associated with smoked tobacco products and may well be substantially lower than this figure.”

That isn't pseudoscience. It's easily found by a quick Google search.

Conclusively, we're going to find that the tobacco industry makes far less money off of refined nicotine than it does from tobacco. There's a reason Phillip Morris bought a 30% stake in Juul, ran their advertising into the ground, and now also exclusively funds anti vaping ads rather than anti tobacco product ads.

They hooked a new generation on nicotine with Juul and are trying to ban vaping to sell their higher profit margin cigarettes.

Whether my conspiracy conjecture is found to be true or not, studies comparing vaping to smoking keep coming to the same conclusion, vaping is less harmful than smoking. If you have a study or information to the opposite I would love to read it.

[-] 12 points 6 months ago

Or just use your aging sponges in a rotating lifecycle. I have 4 stages/sponges at one time that slowly get demoted as they age.

  1. New sponge only gets light jobs. Scrapped clean dishes, pans that just need the oil washed off.

  2. Middle stage wear is used for stuck on foods and generally more gross dishes.

  3. Not usable for dishes, but good for counter/stove tops.

  4. Dirty jobs. Nothing food related. Floors, bathrooms, use with disinfectants.

[-] 13 points 6 months ago

Next is that pesky porn problem that makes up most of the traffic.

[-] 0 points 6 months ago

Our dads probably know each other.

[-] 1 points 6 months ago

Either that, or send a ton of bots that like the stock for a bunch of reasons as written by chatgpt.

[-] 8 points 6 months ago

Many don't have to imagine because that's just reality.

[-] 0 points 7 months ago

It's really good. Haven't have a flavor from them that isn't really good.

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