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Nothing is explained

It makes a lot more sense if you have the context from the Soulsborne games. The series started much simpler, with (mostly) linear progression, fewer weapons/abilities, and shorter "quests." Part of the appeal of those games was the mystery, and the community that grew around solving the unexplained quests/mechanics/lore. The games were shorter, and the maps smaller, so it was easier to explore on your own.

Then with Elden Ring, it just exploded with content, built around the same game play mechanics. For veteran Soulsborne players, it plays like the next title in the series. The only really novel mechanics are the open world and spirit ashes. The downside is (at least for me), the world is so large that it's a chore to explore everything. I finished my first play through and lost the will to start a +1 game. In contrast to Dark Souls 3, where I completed at least 6 play throughs.

But if you don't have that context...yeah i'd imagine Elden Ring is overwhelming in its complexity and scale. Trying to figure out Soulsborne mechanics and navigate this giant world with little direction sounds daunting. Pitting you against the grafted scion to die immediately, and right after putting the tree sentinel in your way, was a confusing way to start the game, even for me.

It's honestly infuriating to realize half of the people running the country rely on the moral principles of ancient religious texts, translated multiple times, to make policy decisions, while also taking every opportunity to bash the scientific process. Not sure which ones are more frightening, the ones who actually believe what they're say, or those who don't.

Fun probably-already-known fact: NASA accidentally destroyed a $200 million Mars orbiter from of a missed imperial->metric conversion, because NASA does generally work in metric, and some Lockheed-Martin software provided numbers in imperial (while claiming to be metric)

Late to the party, but Mass Effect, Dead Space, and the Arkham trilogy are all extremely solid choices haha.

Not to be “that guy” on top of you being “that guy,” but it’s not unheard of to completely redirect a dammed river with a chute spillway. I’m gonna pretend the spillway exits that mountain to the right of what we can see lol

"Damn, this is going to be a tough time for her. Better be sure to make zero effort to inject levity, or take her mind off it, or remind her that I'm also here to take responsibility for my part in this life we're creating. She should remain 100% FOCUSED on how painful and humiliating this experience is for her. For the entire 20 hours she's in labor. Just going to continuously remind her to keep breathing. So she knows how much I support her. Yup, that tracks."

You must be a fun person to go through traumatic experiences with lol.

[-] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

God, there's a joke in there about 404 (famous drum sequencer, often referenced for its kick sample), but I just can't find it


Any chance this will be open-source? Probably not...but for the record, I'd love to contribute! Not a ton of experience with mobile development, but I've got plenty of "screw Reddit" energy to fuel me lol.

Venn Diagram of Fediverse users vs XKCD enjoyers:


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