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[-] 0 points 6 months ago

You’re right, that it would be bad for humans. I’m just looking at the big picture and what would good for it in the long run.

Humans already make similar decisions anyway. Certain part of the population will suffer so that another one can benefit. Occasionally, these sorts of decisions also lead to deaths. In an even larger scale, humans have also decided that certain animals and plants can suffer so that humans may thrive. Imagine if the ecosystem as a whole could make a decision like this about itself. Do you think the it would keep humanity, remove it entirely or maybe trim it down a bit?

But seriously though, humans are here to stay for the time being, and I prefer to keep it that way. Unlike Linkola, I’m in no hurry to see disasters wipe out a portion of humanity.

[-] 1 points 6 months ago

If we narrow it down to all organic life on the planet, the answer is: humans.

[-] 5 points 6 months ago

Some people like the looks. Some people buy one because it serves as a status symbol. Some people just go with the flow and buy one, simply because everyone else already has one. Some people appreciate the coherent UI. Some people already use various other Apple products and services, so they prefer to get the synergy of also using an iPhone.

I don’t really care much about any of those things, but I have some special software and hardware that only works with vanilla or OEM Android and iOS. Trust me, I tried lots of different tweaks and hacks, but eventually had to face the harsh reality that nowadays things are specifically designed to prevent people like me from doing whatever I want. If things had worked with Lineage or Graphene, I would obviously be using those instead. Since that isn’t the case, I had to pick the least offensive one from a list of two awful options. This decisions shows that I value the compatibility that comes with an iPhone.

I’m sure there are lots of other reasons too.

[-] 9 points 6 months ago

The phone you use doesn’t say anything about your tech insights. Why should it?

However, it may tell you something about the kinds of things the person values. If price matters, you’ll go with the cheapest Android. If features matter, you’ll go with a flagship Android. If privacy matters, you’ll get a specific Android phone and install GrapheneOS on it.

There are also a variety of reasons for getting an iPhone, and they may reflect your values in some way.

[-] 1 points 6 months ago

Fixing leaking water pipes would be surprisingly effective too. We are already spending money and energy to purify and pump the water, so why not make use of it. Currently, we’re spending way too much energy on watering the trees growing next to big pipelines.

[-] 3 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Had to leave out so much from this version. Maybe there should be a director’s cut, part 2 or something. 😁

I already have some ideas for a sequel, where an evil necromancer Meta unleashes the Cancer of Facebook on the entire Internet. Later, he assassinates a competing wizard called WhatsApp and resurrects his decaying corpse thought the use of foul magic and necromancy. Now that Meta has corrupted WhatsApp, he can harness the immense power of his new minion to further increase the destruction caused by the Cancer of Facebook that is already beginning to spread across the Internet.

[-] 4 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Once upon a time, in the vast land of Internet, there was a magical library called Web. The library had many librarians, but a wise old owl by the name of Google was the most popular one. Everyone in the kingdom of knowledge loved him. People asked him questions, and Google gave them the answers. Life was good.

However, in the dark corners of the Internet, in the Swamps of Bottomless Greed, there lurked an evil litch queen Seo. She only wanted to watch the world burn, and so she cast an evil curse on Google. The curse of Seo made Google give completely wrong answer. As chaos, ignorance and lies spread cross the land, queen Seo laughed in her castle.

The end.

Good night, sweet dreams.

[-] 1 points 6 months ago

Well, now that taking a loan is fast and easy, people tend to spend the money they don’t have and buy the things they can’t afford. Having some sort of a speed bump along the way should make people think a little more and avoid getting into unnecessary debt.

[-] 0 points 6 months ago

The idea is to avoid the expense spiraling out of control due to exponential growth.

In order to motivate your business partner, you should have a contract that defines the price of the stocks in a favorable way. It’s like buying and selling really. The lender pays 4300 € for the car, and sells it at a higher price, such as 4600 €.

[-] 3 points 6 months ago

UAZ Cabriolet

It’s clearly the worst car money can buy. Before starting the engine, you need to check which liquids have leaked out and add some accordingly. Pretty much anything and everything can and will leak. Who needs a gym when just turning the wheel is a workout. If you want to listen to hardbass while driving, you need to bring your own stereo with you since this car doesn’t have one. It’s the only car that can be improved by a mechanical failure. When the engine or transmission inevitably dies, you’re finally free from this torment.

0/10, would not recommend

[-] 3 points 6 months ago

Compound interest.

Let’s say you need to borrow 5000 € for your first car, but you have only 700 €. First, you’ll need to find a lender who is willing to share the risk with you. Then, you form a joint stock company (Tom’s Volvo C30 2008 incorporated), where you own 7/50 of the car and the other party owns the rest. When you have some more money, you can buy some more stocks. One day, you’ll own the whole car and the lender has all of their money back.

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