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[-] 3 points 1 week ago

I've had... thoughts on this lately.

I do social dance (wcs) as one of my several hobbies. And I kind of compare ot to church now. We go once a week, we do the thing, and we have a community around it, with community leaders.

The world might be slowly leaving religion behind, but I have to wonder of we're losing something else in the process.

(Find some WCA classes in your area, we're all weird as fuck, it's a often a community of introverts with a niche interest in common, and set rules of interaction (would you like a dance?))

[-] 1 points 2 weeks ago

1 or 3; maybe 4.

With several assumptions made, ultimately, they're asking for json, and we should still return json, but what that looks like is up to you. It should be static enough that the person on the other end can write:

If json.grtnode(error) == "unauthorized access"
Do stuff

Ifnyour going to be changing the text with some regularity to contain relevant information for the error (eg, an item ID, that is now invalid), then consider a code/text and additional fields.

[-] 28 points 2 weeks ago

is it decades of hacky code, or decades of battle tested code?

I haven't touched wordpress in... many years, but I've seen far too many developers look at old code and call it junk... only to break things horrifically when they attempt a rewrite.

[-] 9 points 4 weeks ago

Gotta ask yourself how Israel has hostages to exchange on "day 1" of "this" conflict

[-] 22 points 1 month ago

A port of a browser is relatively minimal effort. Typically, the changes are largely cosmetic, and occasionally skin deep.

There's a reason none of the ports of Chrome caught the recent snafu with Google having its own special addon that fucks your privacy.

Developing a browser, Firefox or Chrome, takes a huge amount of effort, and are on a similar scale to both Windows and Linux. It's a lot. There are a lot of places to hide things. Taking all of that, and making V2 continue to work... well it'll be alright to start with. It's probably a flag somewhere currently. But in 2 years time? 5 years time? It will take a lot to keep V2 working, let alone back porting V3 features that people may actually want.

Just use Firefox instead.

[-] 8 points 2 months ago

I mean, that argument starts to wade in to the Mozilla foundation as a whole, and what their purpose is, and that's a giant kettle of fish.

Theoretical game. They lowball Google on how much Google pays them. How do people react? I don't see them doing that and say, "Man, I'm glad Firefox is reducing Google's influence over them". I see them making a thread about how Firefox is giving Google a discounted rate because they're all corrupt technofacists.

The core problem there still exists IMO. Funding.

What we really need is a reasonable way for open source, free, software, that exists for the good of the whole, to get money. But that has it's own kettle of fish, where does it come from, how big is big enough to get some, what if they charge for support, how open is open enough.

Something something, seize the means of production, communism, etc.

[-] 18 points 2 months ago

Ok idealist.

What is your alternative funding stream for Mozilla?

It's bad.

Is it worse than the advertising owned browser that gives your information directly to said advertiser?

[-] 5 points 2 months ago


ACDSee even shows thumbnails for Affinity Photo project files

You're telling me there's an image managing program out there, that works with Affinity, and for some reason people aren't talking about it?????????

[-] 18 points 2 months ago

If they had library management even close to what lightroom offers, I'd be there.

I may yet jump ship for photoshop.

[-] 41 points 2 months ago

The same as what happened when vine shut down.

Take their follows as best as they can to another platform. Continue on.

[-] 1 points 3 months ago

And we’re also talking on a more local scale here, so this would be more centric around a single country, or north america specifically.

North America is an interesting example here, because North America HIT peak oil once, way back in the 80's, and it was only with the invention of Fracking that it came back.

Yeah but idk about this one. Perhaps at the scale of CDNs and proxy distribution,

Once upon a time people debated if virtual hosts were best practice or if that would affect their SEO. We've definitely progressed since then, both to conserve IP addresses, but mainly because DDOS prevention is best done centralised (Looking at you Cloudflare).

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