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[-] 2 points 4 months ago

But amount of users is actually more a product of marketing than any technical protocol so I don't really see that point either. Also I don't see that being true, especially if you count in all the threads users.

My point of it being a W3C standard is more that it is a protocol that is in somewhat responsible hands. When using a protocol that was developed by and only for one (commercial) application in minds other players are always one step behind.

Mastodon (or threads) as the main platforms that implement AP don't have any more influence on the protocol than any other platform as well.

[-] 1 points 4 months ago

but it's been a W3C standard for a long time, and is still very niche.

Is it really? I mean there are already many completely independent platforms built on it (Lemmy, Mastodon, PeerTube, Pixelfed... To only name a few)

Plus recently existing platforms changing to use AP like Flipboard for example or threads (even if nobody is happy about the last 😅)

Additionally AP protocol can be adapted and extended over time if it's really needed. That would also be an option in the long run.

[-] 5 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I don't get the first point. Do you think having variety in clients is a bad thing or do you think the variety in clients is not big enough and actually what does this have to do with the protocol?

The other points do appear that strong to me if we talk about developing a service and more about people who don't want to host or do anything themselves but still want to have full control... Actually I think the better moderation structure that comes with AP is a plus point. I want a free web and not total anarchy in which the loudest wins.

Biggest strength of AP in my eyes is that it's a W3C standard. AT was developed by a company to fulfill that company's goal.

[-] 5 points 5 months ago

Can you give a more detailed explanation why Activitypup is garbage? And why AT should be any better?

[-] 7 points 5 months ago

Also the Dutch...

[-] 17 points 5 months ago

My best advice is:

Don't listen too much about what strangers on the Internet say you should do or use.

Non of us has statistics to pull from. Mostly it's individual experience mixed with personal preferences. All that could be different for someone else. E.g. some people will have problems with Nvidia, other with AMD.

Stick to the basic and add fancy stuff later on.

Don't pick a distribution because of the Desktop environment. Or because someone said it has a nifty feature. People create new distros all the time just for fun and not because there would be a real reason for it. Looking on the release cycle would probably be the most basic decision you should take. Read about the differences between "rolling release" and "long time support" and decide base on you personal use case.

Have a backup strategy

This is nothing limited to Linux but since you are planing to switch your habits, there is a high possibility you will mess up at some point. Best would be you try to stimulate the worst case and look if you would be able to setup your system in a VM or something.

Don't be afraid to try things out

Especially when you know that your backup is working. There is not much you can lose. Don't be afraid of using Arch Linux e.g. just because someone on the Internet said it's just for pros or something.

So this last one is maybe just the consequences of all the above. But yeah I guess that's all I could say for now 😅

[-] 5 points 7 months ago

I feel like if there is one, not many people in Fediverse would use it. Because staying anonymous and not constantly spread person stuff like your location has somewhat high priority for the people here.

[-] 2 points 9 months ago

I started a small YouTube channel about game dev stuff and I find it increasingly annoying as a creator.

Seeing ads when I just want to look up one thing from my own video, no possibly to switch out a video when I detect an mistake...

I already created a PeerTube channel and will most probably use this mainly.

[-] 1 points 10 months ago

Maybe it depends on who you ask or where you are. Maybe a US vs EU thing? I never was a professional Musician, but when I started reading about creating/composing music for Video Games I learned that many professional Studios run on Windows because of proprietary standards and software. that is not available for Apple (and Linux)

[-] 3 points 10 months ago

Really? last time I checked Windows was the dominant player in professional music production but I guess trends can change very quickly.

So there is no real reason preventing Linux to become the domint system at any time.

[-] 2 points 10 months ago

Maybe it's a thing about analogies that they don't need to be 100% accurate. So I guess it's ok 😄

[-] 2 points 10 months ago

If we talking about the complete structure of the fediverse changing to connect to a single service (like abandoning Activity Pup and instead using a closed protocol that is controlled only by one company), then definitely Yes that is the worst idea even.

But since many fediverse services will simply not be able to use Blue Sky's protocol, because it is designed for a very limited use case, I don't even see why should talk about this.

However if Blue sky would adapt to the fediverse. It would only be a win for us. If they decide to not play by the rules they will be band. Fediverse is very robust and we don't need to be afraid of anything as long as we stick too our basic principles.

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