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[-] 2 points 20 hours ago

Oh that's smart. Would it essentially be just a miracast dongle thing?

[-] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Yeah that's why I said it needs to be refreshed and also edited in an option for m-disc in case they want to go the optical route

Of course you can use another storage media, like m disc,

You'll just have to dig it up and refresh everything every couple of years, think 3 years at most iirc for consumer ones

[-] 1 points 1 day ago

oh my bad i was referring to the storage capacity difference between ssds and m-disc. I'll edit it in

[-] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Think they meant a blu-ray drive that could burn to a m-disc.

[-] 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Might be a dumb idea but hear me out. How about sealing a reputable enterprise or consumer SSD in one of those anti static bags with a desiccant and then sealing that inside a pvc pipe also with desiccant and then burying it below the frost line? You'll just have to dig it up and refresh everything every couple of years, think 3 years at most iirc for consumer ones. Obviously this isn't a replacement for a backup solution just archival so no interaction with it. It'll protect it from the elements, house fires, flooding, temperature fluctuations pretty much everything and its cost effective. Hell you can even surround the hard drive bag in foam then stuff in the pvc pipe for added shock absorption. Make a map afterwards like a damn pirate (its night time so my bad if I sound deranged)

edit I took a nap: in hindsight I should've clarified. I went with an ssd in this idea since its more durable than a mechanical, better price for storage capacity compared to m-disc, and most likely to be compatible with other computers in the future in case you need it for whatever reason. Of course you can use another storage media, like m disc, just know of the drawbacks. Like needing a m-disc burner (~100$), several discs depending on how big of a capacity you need (price varies), pray that there's still a drive that can read m-disc in the future and know that's its gonna be slow when getting your data back regardless. All you would have to do to modify the idea would be getting a disc case that kinda suspends the disc so nothing is touching it's surfaces. Then the same idea: antistatic bag with desiccant, foam or even bubble wrap around it, stuffed in a pipe with desiccant buried below your frost line. People usually skip the "in optimal conditions" part when talking about m-disc but this way we get close to those optimal conditions

[-] 69 points 3 days ago

The only one i can think of is people not saving their old toothbrushes. A small brush comes in real handy for a lot of situations

[-] 9 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Thats a great story it’s amazing how sometimes things just resurface and click after years. I'm genuinely happy that I'm not the only one that fiddles around with paracord. I get a lot of looks from family because of it, haha. Think it was either the sheet bend or square knot that got me into this.

[-] 29 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Rope or really any cordage. Can't begin to tell you how handy learning 7-10ish knots has come, plus lashings

[-] 12 points 4 days ago

Same person made me appreciate my can opener

[-] 4 points 5 days ago

Now that's something interesting. Does it work with piped?

[-] 9 points 1 week ago

Kinda don't think you can its one of the beauties of Linux, there's so many different flavors of it. Best thing that would've helped me as a beginner would've been like a collection of all the wiki's and basic knowledge in a single space instead of searching through different sites for a problem or terminal commands, which I bet exists but I just never looked too hard. Also documentation of common problems would've been big for me (especially for older devices) like drivers no longer being supported by kernels and solutions like using the open source version instead.

[-] 10 points 1 month ago

Plus isn't your phone's encryption at its strongest state after its been rebooted, before it's been unlocked? Guess it'll be useless unless OP has an outdated security patch, a weak passcode or if it was snatched while unlocked

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

So I found a griddle that was in pretty bad shape seasoning wise so I stripped it and noticed a small shiny area which worried me about lead. I ordered some lead tests that stated they were for metal (no specifics) and after doing the tests it came back positive. But this got me wondering if iron reacts with sodium rhodizonate, the main ingredient in these lead tests, to give false positives and load and behold it does. I confirmed this with another cast iron cookware that I know 100% never touched lead. So my question is how the hell do I test this? Everyone keeps recommending the same sodium rhodizonate lead test swabs just with different brand names.

Tldr: After stripping a griddle and finding a shiny spot, I tested it for lead and it came back positive, leading to concerns about the reaction between iron and sodium rhodizonate. The question is how to accurately test for lead contamination in the griddle without potential false positives from the test method recommended by others?

Edit: wanted to add some more info. I did experiment with the test themselves to see how reliable they were and they passed it so I don't suspect its the test themselves but the chemical reaction between iron and the sodium rhodizonate

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

Hope this is alright to ask here but was wondering if there was a setting I haven't enabled that would let me block a user without having to visit their "profile" for a lack of better words. I mostly block spammers that i see on my home feed and well I kinda don't like to expose myself to their other content just to block them. Thanks in advance for a point in the right direction

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

To start off: I was explaining to my friend that I don't have a grounding point in my house (plumbing is PVC, outlets are gcfi protected only, not allowed to drive a grounding rod into the ground, etc...) and that I've just been handling sensitive electronics with just luck and preparation (humidity, moisturizer, no synthetic clothing, etc...) all this time. He told me to just wire myself to a good, multimeter tested, grounding point in a car and that will discharge any built-up static electricity. I'm not smart enough to argue with him on this subject but that doesnt seem the safest. Would that work or should I just keep doing my method? My understanding is that chassis grounding is essentially replacing wires with the frame so the outcome would just be connecting myself to the negative terminal of a car battery.

Tldr: I'm explaining my lack of a grounding point at home for sensitive electronics and is advised by my friend to wire myself to a grounded point in a car to discharge built-up static electricity. However, I'm uncertain about the safety of this suggestion and questions whether my current method of handling electronics with precautions is sufficient.

Edit: lmao people are really getting hung up on the no grounded outlet part. Umm my best explanation I guess is that its an older house that had 2 prong outlets and was "updated" with gfci protected outlets afterwards think the breakers as well. My understanding is that its up to code but I'm not an electrician. As for the plumbing I'm sure there's still copper somewhere but the majority has been updated to pvc over the years. Again it's not my house I don't want to go biting the hand that feeds me. Thank you though, haha

Edit #2: thank you all so much for the helpful advice, I really appreciate all of you!

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

Saw a video of a youtuber that got his account overtaken which has 2fa enabled (not sure which method but I'm thinking sms). He says he didn't get phished, downloaded anything and his session cookies weren't stolen and I believe him. The only clue is that he received a sms otp from google but was invalid when he inputted it which let's me to believe he relied on SMS for 2fa in the first place. My theory is he reused passwords and his number was overtaken but I'm not sure if that's the case since he did receive the google otp so that leaves out the common phone rep social engineering methods of porting out and fowarding. What else could it be? My paranoia is kinda acting up

Tldr: A YouTuber's account was hacked despite having 2FA. While unsure of the exact method, potential factors include relying on SMS OTP and the possibility of password reuse. No session cookies were stolen, nothing downloaded and no links clicked

Edit for timestamp: its kinda difficult since he jumps around a lot but he begins to talk about it around the 2min 30sec mark and stops at around the 6min mark

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

Basically just the title. With DVDs getting tossed to the wind it made me wonder when will blu-rays go? I'm gonna miss bloopers and extra scenes

Edit: A bit confused but the general consensus is that in some areas BRs have already began to be phased out while in others they're just trucking along perfectly fine. It'll be that way until they stop being profitable to the studios who make them. Is that correct? I don't think the 8k argument is valid imo since that's really niche currently.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by to c/

This always puzzled me. Why don't humans act much more aggressive or crazed like its often depicted with animals. Afaik there's 2 types of rabies, "dumb" and "furious" so my question is more towards the 2nd type. For example, we never hear of rabies causing a human to accidentally bite another human so why is that?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by to c/

Just curious what are the top 3 podcasts you listened to this year on whatever platform. Antennapod released a feature that summarized your year and well the amount of hours kinda surprised me in a good way, haha.

Edit: Mine were

  • The let's read podcast
  • Therapy gecko
  • How To Survive
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by to c/

Kinda bored so here we go: the government officially recognizes the creeper, from jeepers creepers, as a threat. Congratulations you are now task on coming up with a plan on killing or at least semi-permanently incapacitating the monster. You are backed by the government but keep the cost and destruction down. For obvious reasons, also prioritize life so that means no waiting it out

Creeper Abilities:

  • Flight
  • healing factor through consuming food
  • Regeneration through consuming food
  • high pain tolerance
  • cunning
  • keen smelling
  • ageless
  • super strength unknown limit
  • adaptable
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

Hey, I've been using collabora to edit/open some spreadsheets on android but it's honestly becoming a bit of a pain for me, freezing and blanking some cells being the big ones, and so I'm looking for an alternative. I tried excel without network access and it works but I do have to clear storage everytime to bypass the "signin prompt" that shows up randomly when opening a spreadsheet which disables editing, so I would like to avoid that too if it's possible.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

Another post regarding time travel got me wondering how far back in time can I hypothetically leave a modern computer where they, the most capable engineers of their time, can then somewhat reverse engineer it or even partially?

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

Was cleaning out my storage shed and found a bunch of vhs movies (no home movies) in questionable state. Is there anything worth doing or should I dump them (think they can be recycled)? Before it's said, I don't think they're worth digitalizing imo.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

Originally posted in the linux community but wanted to expand my results a bit. Hopefully this isnt considered tech support since the problem is already solved and I just want information. (Copy & pasted) Still new to linux hope its ok to ask here. I decided to replace one of my backup drives for the first time in 5ish years with a new 2.5" HDD meant for internal use but in an enclosure (the enclosure works fine). I formatted it in ntfs via gparted and everything went as expected, I even created a large veracrypt container file. I safely removed the drive and after a few hours I re-connected it and it made the notification noise that indicates the drive was detected but it's filesystem wasn't mounted. It showed up in gparted, disks and lsblk (as sdb1). Searched online and learned to manually mount it in the /mnt/ directory but I didnt want to manually do that everytime. I ended up reformatting it and for good measure, connected to another port and boom it mounted once connected. Decided not to create the file container or even incorporate the drive into my backup strategy yet until I get input whether or not this is a hardware issue or software. So what do you guys think happened? Not sure what info to provide.

Edit: the filesystem and encryption software I chose is for compatibility between my devices and both machines have the proper software to support that filesystem

Edit 2: new errors relating to my hardware started showing up when further proceeding with my plan so I'm just going to return it and try again

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