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Поздравляю. Ты карикатурен. Минуты скроллинга твоей русофобской истории только что окупились сполна смехом в голос.

В смысле руками пленных нацистов? Тут жаль только, что их потом домой выпустили.

Или руками советских преступников, которым платили и было гарантировано трудоустройство после окончания срока, а не полоскание на ветру, как в твоих любимых либеральных залупах, раб?)

[-] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

start it right,

at least as a lib democracy

Выбери одно, бездарь=)

Cute. My comment was clear enough. Get typin' or move on.

I'd like to hear more about these countries that are more opposed to our ideals than the imperialist core. Sounds like fascinating fiction.

[-] 16 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I don't know what tankies you've seen, lil fasc, but it was always understood among us that Prigozhin was only useful as long as he was under control. An ancap with a personal army running around unchecked isn't something you'll catch me supporting. I just wish this was done more effectively, without loosing control of the orchestra.

LOL'd. And these people look at the rest of the world and say: "Brainwashed.".


joined 2 years ago