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[-] 3 points 8 hours ago

That's pretty much where I see the ending for a lot of this, there's a wide variety of useful applications, but hard to capitalize on especially for things that are self contained and not phoning home to some server you need to maintain access to for billing purposes

[-] 3 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

Pretty sure Cisco was too, the're supplying hardware to the bubble. I think you misunderstood my point- I don't think AI is going to be profitable in the long term, it's probably very profitable to sell the hardware for that to people with investor money- their stock price reflects that.

[-] 2 points 11 hours ago

To me it's seeing the Nvidia stock price in the same sort of range as Cisco stock prices were in the dot com bubble- I don't have any confidence they're going to reach the promised land of profitability this time either.

[-] 11 points 2 days ago

Show up in a ripped shirt with a mustard stain on it looking dazed and slightly disinterested, like you already visited 4-5 houses that day.

[-] 9 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I really am getting tired of having to walk on eggshells around liberals about this extremely obvious issue.

Yet I will be talking to a lib and they will be like "but at least it's killing a lot of Russians right?" 🫠

[-] 0 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Tag NSFW images of human fecal matter pls

[-] 2 points 3 days ago

Idk but I'm ready to fold space with my mind

[-] 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

takes massive dab

Have you considered that world history prior to 1600 is broadly fabricated, the Peloponnesian war actually happened in ~AD1000 between medieval city states, based on the timing of an eclipse triad described by Thucydides. Jesus Christ was actually Andronikos Komnenos (AD1152), he was born in Crimea and publicly beaten and crucified near Constantinople.

google Morozov


[-] 0 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Frankly the whole trotskyist tradition can be a bit woo-woo-y when it comes to talking about global revolution, at baseline.

At some level it's also a quasi-doomer meme to be like 'okay nuke us already so the space comrades can save us'

I don't buy the flying saucer stuff, it strikes me as at best creative speculation.


And because scientific progress can be achieved through any of these economic systems*, we can’t just assume that extra terrestrials found themselves on our doorstep due to one particular economic model.

  • At different rates obviously, but progress nonetheless.

My read on the passage related to this is that there's always some inherent inefficiency when it comes to scientific production, due some combination of the economic system (and also the need for global collaboration vs national borders/defense concerns). For example if you were viewing technological development on different planets, all other things being equal but one has a fractured global government with hundreds of different defense concerns and intra-class conflicts sapping resources and scientific ability, vs a planet that has progressed beyond that, and is able to direct all resources towards a single purpose. One of those is going to be more effective in material terms. Maybe there's some benefit to class competition when it comes to over-stepping what is sustainable within a given system, but I would say it's debatable.

  • I would actually point out that we have an extremely pressing example on our current planet where the endless-growth orientation of our economic system is de-terraforming our planet before we have demonstrated any ability to re-terraform it, when you're looking at things on an interstellar timescale this starts to look like something self-defeating rather than a ticket to rapid development.

I would say that given the large scientific capabilities and organization, and commitment over time needed to meaningfully act on an interstellar scale, any systems which are not at a stable equilibrium will simply not exist long enough to actually have an impact.

My original statement was:

any interstellar species is going to have already necessarily passed far beyond our existing social structures, and would looks like communists to any earthly observer.

The rationale is essentially just that any system stable enough to actually sustain existence at those timescales across those distances would necessarily look different, and could not look like a system with constant boom and bust cycles, as eventually the technology gets the the point where the 'bust' is a self-annihilation. I guess I'm just not that confident that we're on a trajectory which would result in us becoming an interstellar civilization without the need for major overhauls to our political economy first, and it makes it hard to envision aliens getting to that point while still also being tied up with internal ethnic strife and economic crises.

[-] -2 points 4 days ago

I'm an anarchist, but I have plenty of issues with pretty much every country, I just have too many family and family of friends entangled in this to not want to see peace, regardless of where the lines on the map end up for now. I don't think there's anyone who is proposing a truly deescalatory position, across the board and that's the problem.

[-] -2 points 4 days ago

It's fine I don't need to engage further with you

[-] 0 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I have some thoughts, though I need to wait until I'm off my phone or it's going to be a rambling mess

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