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I'm pretty sure the socially unacceptable behavior from homeless drug addicts is driven by factors that drive homelessness and drug addiction and not by the preference of most people to avoid homeless drug addicts in public spaces. Unless you're implying law enforcement or society at large "clean up" public transportation...

[-] 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

~~The omission of Swift here tells you all you need to know I think.~~

Edit: I misread this, but my point stands regarding Swift, it has a pretty big usage-reputation gap.

What is your goal? Custom stuff isn't too hard if you just want to implement basic password login and token-based auth. Otherwise you could use something like Firebase, Okta, or Cognito.

What about ftp? 🤔

Yesterday, for capturing URLs.

Look the issues with java.util.UUID and Postgres.

Why would there be? Electric cars are luxury items bought by people who own homes.

That is not accurate. There are plenty of apartment buildings far away from commercial areas. They can be surrounded by rural areas or suburban areas (SFH zoning).

[-] 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

So you don't ever want to learn about new things? And even if you did, you wouldn't want those new things be efficiently suggested to you and instead be bundled with a bunch of other boring crap?

Also, what you're asking for is what the tool seems to do. You would put the slider all the way to one side to avoid having new stuff suggested. Existing social media platforms often just shove stuff at you endlessly.

They also claimed that the touch-based psychotherapy technique that Lykos used for the trial ties to dubious cult-like new-age psychospiritual therapy, which, among other things, intends to bring about a "global spiritualized society" and suggests suicidal ideation stems from suffering that occurred in the birth canal. This therapy has the potential to allow for abuse and exploitation, the researchers claimed in their public comment. At least one participant in the trial has accused a therapist involved with the trial of sexual assault during the trial's therapy sessions.

Well I would hope something like this gets shut down.

[-] 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I found the if-blocks more concerning than the lack of parentheses. Although I would've preferred parentheses for better parity with Kotlin for the if-else blocks (instead of then).

This is a stupid answer, but you could buy a cheap android phone. The carrier-locked phones are very inexpensive.

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