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[-] 1 points 12 hours ago

Ah yes, the Flight Simulator and Hitman crossover expansion.

[-] 3 points 1 day ago

Just because it's a desktop doesn't mean it's more powerful.

[-] 2 points 1 day ago

Might be good to get a warning sign that the AI wants to take over the world because it will start amassing troops near Siam and if it does manage to conquer Australia, you can be relatively sure that it will spend a few turns building up its bottleneck defense, maybe trading some border country to get a card each turn.

Lol that just reminded me of the first time I played risk with my cousins, when we thought that players got a card each time they took a country and then the 5 card max rule meant that they could (or had to) trade in for troops in the middle of their turn. The game had a few quiet turns and then absolutely exploded once things got rolling and only lasted some turns after that because we weren't the most strategic thinkers and didn't realize there was no reason to stop when you could reinforce your front with more armies than anyone else had combined every 3 countries you took.

[-] 7 points 1 day ago

Even better if he sees Trump in prison.

[-] 2 points 2 days ago

Yeah but how many of them snapped and killed some people? I think that's part of why that movie did well: it portrays a personality type that many can relate to. But it doesn't mean that taking the extra step from someone who just doesn't give a shit about others to someone willing to stab them to death is realistic.

[-] 8 points 4 days ago

In the comments, there's a follow-up where she added an accelerometer so that it will mimic arm movements. Though she doesn't have a demo of cooking with it, just showing that the arm moves up when she moves the sensor up.

[-] 8 points 5 days ago

There's another angle to this, too. If the cellular modem is easy to replace, it would also be easy to remove, cutting off one of the big reasons why the car manufacturers want it there: data that they can sell.

Which makes this whole topic even more frustrating because that connection is worthwhile for them to have even without the customer paying for the cellular subscription because they are selling the data but Mazda is still greedy enough to want an extra $120 a year for something that could have been included as an afterthought.

[-] 15 points 6 days ago

I'm glad I've had a few epiphanies over my gaming time that have resulted in no desire to spend any money on P2W or content skipping.

First one was in the first Turok game on N64. I was playing normally but at some point looked up the cheat codes for things like unlock all weapons, unlimited ammo, and unlocking all levels. There was one weapon that you needed to collect hidden pieces of from each level, and then you only got 3 shots with it that would pretty much AoE clear an area. There was another gun that you'd only find 2 shots of ammo for at a time that was similar. I had fun for a bit running around and shooting those guns at will, but after that it was hard to get motivated to play the game without the cheats because I knew the big weapons were basically just temporary consumables, which meant I'd probably never use them while trying to ration them for moments they'd be most useful. Using those cheat codes ruined the game for me.

The second epiphany was after raiding for a while in WoW and thinking about the loot motivation. It was a circular motivation: you get better loot so that you can raid more to get even better loot. If the loot was the main motivation, then it was pointless because the loot didn't serve any purpose outside of the game. So it only made sense to do raiding because I enjoyed the process, not because of the rewards. And this applied to most reward mechanisms in games. Taking that logic just a bit further made me realize that P2W is actually paying money to avoid playing a game and short circuit right to getting the rewards, which was kinda pointless when the rewards were meant to improve the experience of playing the game. Either a) you don't want to play the game at all, or b) you don't get as much satisfaction from using the better loot or whatever because you skipped the part where you had to do it without those rewards.

And then the last one is finding PvP less satisfying when the game mechanics give significant advantages based on either time spent grinding or paying money to avoid grinding. Did I just win because of my skills or because I've acquired better gear? Did I just lose because the other player outplayed me or because they got better gear? And I didn't even want to give any satisfaction to those who just paid money to win and don't worry about what it does or doesn't say about their skills. It's similar to the line of thought when you know cheating is possible... Did I get beat by someone skilled enough to aim better or someone using an aim bot?

[-] 3 points 1 week ago

At least performance mods can improve efficiency, with the focus of getting more power from the motor to the pavement. If they are actual performance mods (as opposed to just making exhaust louder or adding a rear spoiler on a front wheel drive car), with exceptions of ones that do that by increasing fuel use.

Though even with that one, driving style can matter. Anecdotal, but my car has a sports mode and an eco mode, as well as a fuel use indicator. I found that using sports mode and then having a range of speed I'd drive at (accelerate hard to top speed of the range, then reduce power so that it slows to the low end then accelerating again) was the most efficient way to drive it. If I tried the same in eco mode, the reduced power meant I spent more time doing the acceleration, and either of those was more fuel efficient than just maintaining one speed. Though it was a frustrating way to drive (both for me and I'm sure for anyone who ended up behind me). You couldn't go on auto pilot doing it that way and had to pay constant attention to your speed.

It's kinda like the race to idle strategy for CPU/GPU efficiency. Use lots of power when it's needed so that it can go back to using much less power.

[-] 0 points 1 week ago

That would be nice, though I've got some questions.

  1. Do you bag as you shop, then?
  2. Do you need to involve staff if you change your mind about an item?
  3. Do they have a bag/receipt checker doing random searches in many stores?
  4. Are all stores like that?
[-] 0 points 1 week ago

Tanks have the right to self-defense, too!

[-] 0 points 1 week ago

I like them because it makes my bagging more efficient. At the lanes, if I'm getting a decent amount of groceries, I usually end up bagging for a while after I've paid and feel like a dick because I'm in the way of the people getting rung up behind me.

At self checkouts, I take it out of the cart, scan, then stick it right in the bag. Even better if they don't have the stupid weighing thing that assumes I'm trying to steal shit if they don't micromanage every item going into my bag.

Also, in this case, management is telling workers to not make fun of people who don't want to use self checkouts.

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