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[-] 15 points 4 months ago

I'm sure they are also pretty effective for people with more nefarious uses for them.

[-] 5 points 4 months ago

Bring it! I once wrote a basic program off of the random dungeon generator tables in the original Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - Dungeon Masters Guide using Atari BASIC.

[-] 39 points 4 months ago

Yes, what we call the speed of light is really the speed of light in a vacuum. When light passes through a medium like water or glass it travels slower. That causes the light to be refracted which means that it changes direction slightly based on the energy of the light (color) and the refractory index the material. Glass will refract a red laser by a certain amount while water will refract it by a different amount.

Fun fact, because different colors refract differently, when you shine a white light through a specially shaped piece of glass called a prism, you will see a rainbow pattern.

[-] 33 points 7 months ago

Some pig in Florida emptied his gun into a neighborhood...

No, its' better than that. He emptied it into his own squad car. And in a real tribute to his training, he never even hit the handcuffed suspect he had inside the squad car.

"I'm hit! I'm hit!"

[-] 14 points 10 months ago

Damn straight. If you go to Wisconsin and try to pass off any of that Kraft, individually-wrapped, processed cheese product as actual cheese, you may just get your ass kicked. It'd be like trying to pass off the piss they drink in Wisconsin as beer to a German.

[-] 2 points 1 year ago

Home mag-lev. Build the super-conductor into the flooring of your home. Equip heavy furniture and appliances with electromagnets in the feet. Dial up the power on the magnets and the furniture will float up and you can slide it to it's new location. Dial down the magnets and furniture will settle back to the ground.


joined 1 year ago