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[-] 35 points 6 months ago

C++ iirc is used mostly for microprocessor code

lol no, it's used almost everywhere where performance is important and people want(ed) OOP, from tiny projects to web browsers (Chrome, Firefox) to game engines (Unreal, CryEngine). Many of these are hugely complex and do encounter segfaults on a somewhat frequent basis.

Saying C++ is mostly used for embedded applications is like saying C# is mostly used for scripting games, i.e. it doesn't nearly cover all the use cases.

higher-level languages also exist

This depends on your definition of "higher-level", but many people would argue that C++ is on a similar level to Java or C# in terms of abstraction. The latter two do, however, have a garbage collector, which vastly simplifies memory management for the programmer(generally anyway).

[-] 3 points 10 months ago

is sort of essentially blockchain without the decentralized ledger part

So a [Merkle tree](

[-] 20 points 10 months ago

Gentoo is the espresso you get when your coffee-obsessed friend with >$10k worth of barista equipment asks if you'd like a coffee. It's the best damn thing you've ever tasted, but by the time your friend has finished preparing and all the settings are dialed in, it's around midnight and you should have gone home hours ago

[-] 45 points 11 months ago

Reading the blog post, it's a lot more nuanced than that: someone reported a CVE, which was related to a possible int overflow in client code handling the timeout between requests. NVD chose to grade this as a 9.8/10 on their severity scale (for context, CVE-2014-0160, also known as Heartbleed, got a 7.5/10), which is ludicrous for a bug which could at most change the retry timeout of your request from your intended years to a few seconds. Daniel says that this is not a security vulnerability at all and has no business being listed on the CVE database, whereas NVD argues that it's a bug, it's been reported to them and because overflows are undefined behavior, anything can happen and so it's a security vulnerability.

In the end, they agreed to at least adjust the severity down to a 3.3, but I can understand that Daniel is still somewhat miffed about it. Personally I also agree that it's not really a security issue and that even a 3.3 is too high in terms of severity.

[-] 2 points 11 months ago

Many debuggers (at least in the Java world, which is what I'm working with for a living) support more advanced features like only triggering the breakpoint if a certain condition is reached or only every X hits of the breakpoint.

Also, if you try and debug using print in the main game loop, wouldn't that write so much to console/log that it's effectively unreadable?

[-] 3 points 1 year ago

Interestingly, the guy who made the referenced post, 'avis', is allegedly the new name of 'birdie', a well-known troll on the forums who was banned a while back. Basically everyone there agrees that it's him and no action is taken against this new account.

[-] 7 points 1 year ago

Especially when the original article is about anything related to Rust. An hour after the article is live you'll have 50 posts arguing and trolling like there's nothing more important in the whole wide world. So entertaining!

[-] 58 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Anyone expecting to use Linux the same way they are using Windows, without any changes, is going to be disappointed. You cannot reasonably expect to keep the same learned workflows from one system and use them on a completely different system without having to at least tweak some of it.

Learning is part of such switchovers, and loudly complaining that "Thing X is not working like I know it to, this is why people don't like Linux" is not making anyone more likely to help you nor is it going to solve your problem. I'm glad that you managed to find a way to do what you need in any case, and maybe that command will stick around in the back of your head for when you need something similar sometime in the future :)

[-] 3 points 1 year ago

It's important in science (but also in general) to verify things that are thought to be obvious or "common sense", since not everything that the broad public agrees on is true after all.

[-] 2 points 1 year ago

The heavy stuff would be things like shader compilation and state management for multiple different graphics APIs (OpenGL and Vulkan mostly).

AFAIK Linux graphics drivers are usually separated into a userspace and a kernel space component, like amdgpu on the kernel side and RADV/RadeonSI within Mesa on the userspace side. So you do not need to do a full reboot to e.g. benefit from performance optimizations within Mesa to get things like faster shader compilation or more efficient draw call submission, which I think most people care about when doing driver updates. In fact you don't even need to soft reboot, because once Mesa is updated, all following uses of it already run the new version, all without a reboot. However if your GPU is not yet supported by the kernel side, then Mesa is of no use to you.

That being said, yes the kernel side is a very important part of the driver, but it's such a low-level driver that very few people would be able to do much of anything with it, which is why I made that distinction.

[-] 5 points 1 year ago

Yes they do, Mesa being one. Only the close to the metal stuff and Kernel-DRM is handled in kernel space, most of the heavy stuff is done in user space.

[-] 7 points 1 year ago

To be fair™ they did at least do a little bit to deal with the existing answers becoming obsolete by changing the default answer sorting. The "new" (it's already been at least a year IIRC) sorting pushes down older answers and allows newer answers to rise to the top with fewer votes. That still doesn't fix the issue that the accepted answer likely won't change as new ways of doing things become standard, but at least it's a step in the right direction.

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