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Yup. I got nothing against Wayland, but been waiting on this particular use case to get tooling for years now.

Client machine is a Windows box, and I can't change that, unfortunately.

I haven't tried it yet because it appears to be a client, and my Linux machine is the synergy server in my setup (work windows laptop is the client).

There a synergy/barrier replacement working on Wayland yet?


Then I guess Wayland isn't ready yet.

Yup, 3 is amazing until the last 10-15min. So many satisfying conclusions to story threads started in 1 or 2.

I ran Gentoo for years. I run Arch now.

You're not wrong, lol.

'Course, I was running Gentoo when hardware was slow enough that you could see the real-time performance improvement from tailored compiles. Now shit's so fast that any gains are imperceptible by a human for day-to-day desktop usage. Arch can also be a bit of a time sink, I get it, especially setting it up takes time and thought. That's also why I like it, and always come back to it: I can set it up exactly how I want it, and it's really good at that. There's always weird shit that seems to happen to me when I try to remove Gnome in Ubuntu or other crazy shit that, yeah, everyone would tell you not to do, but Arch doesn't care. If I want combination of things, I can hunt for a distro that has it, or I can likely just set it up on Arch.

After setup, though, it's not any more effort to maintain than any other distro. shrug


joined 1 year ago