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[-] 1 points 1 week ago

Your idea is one of the specific reasons many companies try to label everyone as an "independent contractor". Especially people like voice actors are not "employees", and thus do not count as such for your idea.

[-] 0 points 3 weeks ago

This is a cultural thing. My wife has studdied German culture, particularly relating to their relationship with their language, pretty extensively and from what she says they are exceedingly resistant to changes to their general language at all. Hence all of the compound nouns for new devices instead of coming up with a new word. Apparently the cultural adoption of "Das handy" for cellphone was a cultural milestone since they actually used something new instead of trying to cram together "Mobile Wireless Vocal Communication Device" into one word.

[-] 2 points 1 month ago

You assume that the governments of which you speak are not assisting intentionally. These companies did not write the EULA legal frameworks that allow them virtual carte blanch to take and do whatever they want just because the population is trapped in the endless cycle of coercion that is our life.

[-] 60 points 1 month ago

Why do all of these companies decide they are so tired of existing?

[-] 2 points 1 month ago

Yup. I shop at Walmart out of desperation. I had stopped entirely for years after hearing that they have members of staff who go around from store to store to help get employees on food stamps. That and that they tell manufacturers what the price will be. That is not how commerce works.

My solution to the government assistance issue is a pretty straightforward answer. Revise corporate tax codes to include a reduction exempt line item that totals 2x the total value of all government assistance received by employees. Do not pass go, give us your $200. Food stamps exist to help families who are struggling, not as a corporate subsidy.

[-] 2 points 1 month ago

Good not-a-bot. Thanks for the updated info. Bookmarking it for when I get into arguments about how the moves Amazon is making towards fully automated fulfilment canters is a death knell for the economy or why I refuse to use self checkout.

[-] 1 points 1 month ago

The word you are looking for is "Oligopoly"

  • a state of limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers.

And yes, they should. Our laws focus on Monopolies, but the big boys figured out a long time ago that if they let a single major competitor exist that the government cannot really touch them. This is why Target and Costco exist and Walmart does not do everything in their power to stomp them out.

[-] 7 points 1 month ago

Plus all the political stuff. The man is patantly off his rocker.

[-] 5 points 1 month ago

That is actually intentional. They do it to restrict refunds on Steam and consoles.

[-] 41 points 1 month ago

Incompetence might even be a little harsh. Inexperience or incompetence maybe. I prefer inexperience.

[-] 4 points 1 month ago

Aside from 3 you are essentially creating Stumble Upon.

[-] 3 points 2 months ago

My landleech padlocked the basement and attic of the house I rent. I keep a large screwdriver for exactly this eventuality. Something goes wrong in the basement and that lock point is done for. Just slip it in the gap around the padlock and pull. Will only take about 200N to rip the thing off the door and I can get way more than that with a little bit of leverage.

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