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[-] 3 points 8 months ago

Get a Switch, get it right now, also get this tool. The answer currently is yes, as long as the hardware still works & the battery doesn't explode, and a switch combined with the MIG tool will give you a robust local library of games. Get your rig + MIG & never connect that switch to the internet ever again.

Nintendo is notoriously litigious & overly protective of all things Nintendo. The MIG Switch cartridge looks AMAZING but obviously Nintendo fucking hates it & they will probably try to issue a patch that nerfs it and/or kills your Switch in the future.

[-] 0 points 8 months ago

None of it is okay. It encourages violence, it desensitizes us, we see a comedian triumphantly holding up a bloodied, decapitated POTUS head with a look of cold indifference on her face and we say, "Oh, it's okay. It's not a call to violence specifically, it's just artistic expression.

I'm picking Trump ones because he's a big, easy target & the examples are easily found. Not because I endorse Trump. It also showcases how extreme violence is given a platform, praised. But there are plenty more examples just a Google search away.

So it's fine for people to depict killing a POTUS all the time, and other people you don't like. That's acceptable. Kill the white farmers in South Africa, after all, they're part of an oppressor class & they deserve it. SHOOT to KILL. But calling for the death of 3 random people is a line too far, I guess? 🤨

Your qualms with this are just the result of a culture with no guardrails, no moral foundation. Human life isn't considered sacred. We tolerate & celebrate depictions of death all the time. This only encourages senseless mass shootings, violence.

[-] -1 points 8 months ago

Call to violence might be a stretch. However, I think it's either incredibly naive or incredibly dishonest to overlook the depiction of a gun, pointed at a person, the trigger being pulled, the gun going bang, and the president/clown flinching in response.

You only point a gun at something if you intend to shoot it, possibly kill it. There is no exception.

It is indeed an artistic expression & not real, but the imagery is unmistakable. He casually plays out this scene & displays it to the world, basically saying, "Yeah, if this happened...I'm totally okay with this. I put this in my rap videos. No big deal."

And I think a lot of people on Lemmy feel the same way about Trump.

[-] 30 points 8 months ago

It happens everywhere, with increasing frequency. Depending on who's calling for killing who, it's either praised or giggled at or condemned. Off the top of my head...

Snoop Dogg had a mock execution of Trump, where he shot a Trump caricature clown in the head

In South Africa, there are prominent groups dancing around & chanting, "Kill the Boer! The farmer! SHOOT to KILL!! Brrrrrrrap!" But this has been justified because it's "an old cultural chant", totally not a threat. Malema has been called out for this, and he has reassured everyone, "We Have Not Called For The Killing Of White People... At Least For Now" But he "cannot 'guarantee' what will happen in the future".

[-] 4 points 8 months ago

Frezik is right, there are plenty of small wind turbines. As I alluded to, the tech naturally involves moving parts & has been prone to breakdowns. They're getting better all the time, but the small ones don't produce heaps of power. The big ones do; there is a bigger residential one in my community & it outperforms the solar panels 8:1. It also broke down in the first year of operation, and a crane had to come in & take the turbine down, to be shipped to TX for (thankfully under warranty) repairs.

I like to see everything getting better, I think I feel more comfortable with solar panels & reducing needs, increasing insulation.

I can't Google what I remember seeing, but they're working on very efficient & tough ones that just spin in place. Mounted to the roof of your house. It's kind of like that vid posted below, but not, the fins looked like 2 ribbons.

[-] 2 points 8 months ago

I don't have any personal experience, but that sounds like a plan to me. I do really like propane, and I recently got a small generator that runs either gas or propane. Just need to change out the spark plug so it burns hotter or something (for propane). In fact, some people just use propane in their generators because it runs cleaner.

Idk, frankly I think all fuel is a non-issue, because in an emergency all these things run on money, money, lots of money. Fuel today, gone tomorrow. 20# propane tank? Gone. 8-gal gas? Gone. Hopefully it's enough to run your appliances & get you by until utilities are restored.

In an extended power outage or grid down type situation, generators are great to have but you'll be limited by your ability to obtain fuel. And the money to run it. A generator will be loud & could attract unwanted attention from beggars, looters/thieves. The best investments you can make right now is increasing your efficiency ((insulation)), reducing your energy needs, & investing in things that can help you in a grid-down situation.

[-] 14 points 8 months ago

It will! And if you've got wind...wind turbines weren't very good & experienced breakdowns, but we're on the verge of a few breakthroughs. Making wind turbines cheaper, more efficient, and less moving parts to break.

[-] 24 points 8 months ago

I am interested in prepping, and if anyone else is, too - - I look at solar/wind renewable energy & I'm concerned about high draw, high demand devices & processes. Well I started to notice that even super green setups tend to have a small generator on-hand for large/rare draws, failures, and emergencies.

And small generators have become a lot smarter & more capable! Bonus.

You probably aren't running tons of major appliances all at once all the time. Buy the generator, have that backup plan...and go into the green energy world with confidence.

[-] 3 points 8 months ago

You would need to treat, stabilize the fuel for long-term storage, incurring additional cost. And even then. It's technically not "as good" as fresh stuff.


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